Check Your Internal Screen Door


When I was growing up, most of the houses in my neighborhood had a screen door on the front and back doors. Some of you may know what I’m talking about because you may have grown up with the same type of screen door on your house, and I’m sure there are still homes with those screen doors on them today.

The screen door acted as a barrier between the front door and outside. One of the coolest things about the screen door is that, if you wanted to leave your front door open, you could and the screen door would keep out the things you didn’t want in your house. 

If you wanted your home to catch a nice breeze from outside, you’d leave your door open so wind would blow in and screen doors would keep out the bugs, animals and random people. If you’re from the country, you probably know what I’m talking about. 

The screen door allowed you to see what was on the other side of the screen, but protect your space from any old thing just...

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5 Reasons You Should Start Your Business Now

If you have dreams and aspirations of starting a business, there’s no better time than the present. Getting your mindset right, making any necessary preparations, and then taking action on your dream is one of the best decisions you’ll ever make.

In case it isn’t immediately obvious to you, I’m giving you 5 reasons you should start your business now.

  1. Starting a business is easier than ever.

Online entrepreneurship just keeps getting easier. As more and more companies introduce free, easy to use, innovative solutions for business owners, they help to make starting and running a business a piece of cake. 

There are plenty of easy to build website platforms, there are plenty of easy to setup ecommerce platforms, and there are plenty of easy to use payment gateways. Everything you need to setup shop and capture payments for your business is readily available online for free or at minimal cost.

2. There are more and more resources available to help you...

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Can You Compete with Your Goliath?

When I tell people that I record a daily podcast, they usually react with shock and awe—especially other podcasters. They think I’m out of my mind, crazy for doing this. They get how hard it is to come up with content and then be disciplined enough to record, edit, mix etc. every single day.

I won’t lie. It’s hard as hell. Some days I have a hard time coming up with ideas to talk about. Some days I have plenty of ideas but I just can’t get the content going. And some days, I just simply don’t feel like doing shit.

No matter what my mood is, what my plans are that day, or how tired I am, I record my podcast. Honestly, I credit my 66 Days of Bold Action Challenge with helping me commit the way I have.

I committed to doing this podcast daily, so I push those feelings aside and I do my podcast anyway. One of the things that drives me to do it every single day, no matter what, is that I know most people don’t have the discipline to do something...

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Hi, I'm KP The Worrying Warrior

I’m a fighter. I don’t mind going after what I want in life because I’m just one of those people who don’t do well in unhappiness. When I’m unhappy with something, it nags at me and nags at me until I just have to do something about it.

And I think one of my best qualities is that I’m resilient af. When my mind is made up about something, it’s almost impossible to get me to stop pursuing whatever that thing is.

But. As much as I’m a fighter, I’m also a worrier. It may be the Capricorn in me who always has to have a plan for every single thing, and then a backup plan for the plan, and a backup plan for the backup plan, but when I’m focused on something, I’ll think through every possible scenario that could possibly occur. 

The problem with that is that sometimes that can backfire on me. Sometimes thinking through every possible scenario lands me in a doubtful, negative, pessimistic place that I then have to dig...

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How Do You Define Success?

You are no stranger to hard work. You’ve been busting your ass, making it happen every day for your business, for your family, and for your own personal growth. 

One of your biggest goals in life is to succeed. But have you ever taken the time to stop and think about what success means to you?

Do you consider yourself successful now? You’ve probably already overcome ridiculous odds and accomplished things you never imagined you would be able to accomplish.

For ambitious people, like you and me, we can sometimes feel like we’re chasing a moving target. That’s why it’s really important to sit down and come up with a definition of what success means to you.

This definition should be the core of what you value most, and your “I need to accomplish this in life and everything else is just a bonus”. So what is that for you?

Is it Family?

Maybe your success is defined by how you treat your family and what you’re able to provide for them....

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Working From Home - The Good, The Bad, and the Not So Ugly

When some people think of working from home, they think of fun! They imagine days full of online shopping, meeting friends for lunch, napping all day, and playing with their new puppy. 

Then there are those who think that working from home is a jail cell. They think of dark days, locked in a room with a ball and chain following them everywhere they go, with the inability to ever escape the warden.

I’ve worked 100% from home for over a decade, and I can tell you that it’s somewhere in between. There’s great freedom in being able to work from home—it gives you a ton of flexibility—but it can also be hard to escape work. If you like what you do, or if you don’t have set hours, you can find yourself working much longer days than you would in an office setting.

For those of you who may be starting a business where you’ll be working from home, I want to give you the skinny so you know what to expect. Here are some of the good things and some...

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Which Power Character Are You in Entrepreneurship?

I don’t get to watch a lot of TV, but I do have a few shows that I make time to keep up with. One of those shows is Power on STARZ. Since we’re nearing the premier of season 6, on August 25th, I’m starting to get excited to see what stupidity Tariq can get himself into next. 

In the spirit of preparing for the new season, I thought we could have some fun. I want to know which Power character are you in entrepreneurship?

So I’m going to give you a description of my view of each characters positive traits as they apply to entrepreneurship, and you decide who most closely matches you as an entrepreneur. Get it? Got it? Good!

Here we go.


James St. Patrick, aka Ghost, is the serial entrepreneur. You’re always super busy switching gears from one business to the next. You’re a boss, so you don’t mind burning the candle at both ends. You live and breathe your businesses, and no matter what crisis comes up, you handle it and keep your...

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66 Days of Bold Action


In the last four months, I’ve recorded 130 episodes of my podcast, published 122 articles here, and grown my business in the process. This all began, for me, when I decided that I wanted to start a business encouraging others to pursue their dreams in life and in entrepreneurship.

I had thought and thought about how I could reach my audience and how I could use what I had to get what I want. I knew that social media would be a powerful tool in sharing my message, but I needed to do more than just post on social media. A few ideas kept coming up. They were vlogging on YouTube, starting a podcast, and writing a blog.

All three of those ideas horrified me. Although I had experience making money online—in dropshipping—I had no experience putting myself on the line and being the face of my business like I would have to in order to execute those ideas. For a few weeks, I told myself that I couldn’t do it.

When no one was looking, I would try to record...

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Know Me, Like Me, Trust Me

Convincing total strangers to do what you want them to do—like listen to your podcast, book you for an event, shop at your store, or really anything—requires that you break through the noise around them, get their attention, keep it long enough for them to feel comfortable with you, and move them to buy.

Sounds complicated right?

I always tell you to ignore other people’s opinions about you and do you to the best of your ability. That’s important in order for you to be able to act on your goals without allowing irrational fears to be a hindrance for you. But there are times that we actually need to worry about how one group, in particular, feels about us.

That group is our audience of ideal customers. 

When it comes to our ideal customers liking us, we’re as needy as a 14 year old boy with his first crush. We have to convince that audience of people to know us, like us, and trust us. 

The Know, Like, Trust Factor is essential in actually...

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5 Reasons Accountability Matters to Your Success

Have you ever thought to yourself that if you had someone holding you accountable, you’d be much more successful? You know, as students—from Kindergarten all the way through college—we (or most of us) did our homework because we would be held accountable by our teachers, sometimes our classmates, and definitely our parents, if we didn’t. 

As adults, things are a lot different. If you set out to accomplish something, it’s up to you whether that happens or not. And many times, no one would ever even know you failed to achieve that goal unless you told them. That makes it super easy to just give up whenever you want to.

This is precisely why accountability matters to your success, and having an accountability partner could completely change the game for you. Here are 5 reasons why.

  1. You’re much more likely to succeed. According to, your likelihood of success skyrockets when you have an accountability partner. In fact,...
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