Know Me, Like Me, Trust Me

Convincing total strangers to do what you want them to do — like listen to your podcast, book you for an event, shop at your store, or really anything — requires that you break through the noise around them, get their attention, keep it long enough for them to feel comfortable with you, and move them to buy.

Sounds complicated right?

I always tell you to ignore other people’s opinions about you and do you to the best of your ability. That’s important in order for you to be able to act on your goals without allowing irrational fears to be a hindrance for you. But there are times that we actually need to worry about how one group, in particular, feels about us.

That group is our audience of ideal customers. 

When it comes to our ideal customers liking us, we’re as needy as a 14 year old boy with his first crush. We have to convince that audience of people to know us, like us, and trust us. 

The Know, Like, Trust Factor is essential in actually getting people to pull the trigger and buy what we’re selling. Our audience must know who we are, they must actually like us, and they need to trust that we aren’t ripping them off. That’s when they buy.

This is important for any brand, no matter what you’re selling, but how do you accomplish it? If only it were as easy as just telling them to, like the title of the article. Unfortunately, it’s not.

So let’s talk about a few ways to get your audience to do each — know you, like you, and trust you.

Here are 5 ways you can help your audience get to know you:

  1. Tell them who you are. Introduce yourself to your audience and tell them what you do. Let them know how you can help them, tell them about your business, and make clear what you are selling.
  2. Tell them about your experiences. Share stories about your life as they relate to your business. You could share anything from experiences you had in college to something you did yesterday.
  3. Allow them to see you in action. Show behind the scenes footage of you in your business doing what you do. Give them a glimpse into your real world.
  4. Share often. Keep coming back and giving them content. Don’t disappear for days, weeks, and especially not months at a time.
  5. Interact with them. Make them feel like they’re your friend. Initiate interactions and talk to them in a friendly way. 

Now let’s look at 5 ways you can get your audience to like you:

  1. Share relatable content. Connect with them on a level that allows them to see themselves in you. If they know you’re just like them, they’ll like you more.
  2. Be nice. No one likes the dry, stale, mean guy who’s rude for no reason. And no one wants to buy from that guy. So be friendly and be kind. Your audience will appreciate you for it.
  3. Be funny when it’s appropriate. Everyone likes to laugh. If it’s appropriate, add a little humor to your content and make your audience laugh. If you can put a smile on someone’s face, you can win them over.
  4. Solve a problem for them. Offer content that solves a problem they have. If someone is struggling with something and you give them a solution, they’ll appreciate you and it will create an immediate bond in their mind.
  5. Be yourself. Be the real you and allow your audience to see who you truly are. Avoid sharing things that appear to be too contrived. People pick up on that and it can turn your audience off big time.

Lastly, let’s look at 5 ways to get your audience to trust you:

  1. Be honest. Even liars hate liars — especially when it comes to something they’re spending money on. Never make promises you can’t keep and always aim to over perform for your audience.
  2. Be helpful. Be willing to answer questions and explain every detail of your product or service to your audience. Display patience and reassure them that you’re there for them before, during, and after the sale.
  3. Deliver excellent products and service. Avoid giving people shitty service and shitty products. If you rip people off, word will spread fast, and you’ll be known all over the internet as a cheat. If you give people mediocre products and services, no one will remember you. Go above and beyond and your audience will talk about you in a good way.
  4. Share your knowledge. Establish yourself as an expert in your field so that your audience knows that you know exactly what you’re doing and it’s safe to do business with you.
  5. Share testimonials. When people say good things about your business, share it with your audience. Proof that your business is legit and that your products and/or services are worth their money can make all the difference in whether people buy from you or find someone else to buy from. 

There you have it. Let your audience get to know you, like you, and trust you and the sales will follow.

I can help you take the actions you need to take to build the Know, Like, Trust Factor in my Power Your Success Group Coaching Program. In this 10 week program where we’ll be meeting online weekly to work through removing anything that’s holding you back, creating success habits, and keeping you accountable. Enrollment for the program is open right now, so click the link below to join and let’s make it happen!

Do you have any know, like, trust tips? Find me on Instagram or Facebook and let me know.

Do you know someone who could use this article? If so, please share it with them, and listen to my podcast, Master Your Mission, for daily motivation and inspiration to pursue your dreams.


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