Can You Compete with Your Goliath?

When I tell people that I record a daily podcast, they usually react with shock and awe—especially other podcasters. They think I’m out of my mind, crazy for doing this. They get how hard it is to come up with content and then be disciplined enough to record, edit, mix etc. every single day.

I won’t lie. It’s hard as hell. Some days I have a hard time coming up with ideas to talk about. Some days I have plenty of ideas but I just can’t get the content going. And some days, I just simply don’t feel like doing shit.

No matter what my mood is, what my plans are that day, or how tired I am, I record my podcast. Honestly, I credit my 66 Days of Bold Action Challenge with helping me commit the way I have.

I committed to doing this podcast daily, so I push those feelings aside and I do my podcast anyway. One of the things that drives me to do it every single day, no matter what, is that I know most people don’t have the discipline to do something...

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