66 Days of BoldĀ Action


In the last four months, I’ve recorded 130 episodes of my podcast, published 122 articles here, and grown my business in the process. This all began, for me, when I decided that I wanted to start a business encouraging others to pursue their dreams in life and in entrepreneurship.

I had thought and thought about how I could reach my audience and how I could use what I had to get what I want. I knew that social media would be a powerful tool in sharing my message, but I needed to do more than just post on social media. A few ideas kept coming up. They were vlogging on YouTube, starting a podcast, and writing a blog.

All three of those ideas horrified me. Although I had experience making money online—in dropshipping—I had no experience putting myself on the line and being the face of my business like I would have to in order to execute those ideas. For a few weeks, I told myself that I couldn’t do it.

When no one was looking, I would try to record...

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