Can Your Desire to Succeed Also Make You Depressed?

Spend enough time on Instagram these days and you’ll certainly feel like you’re doing life wrong. Watching the lives of influencers, who only post perfection, can make anyone question why they get up and go to work every day if life can really be as easy as those influencers make it look.

Even though most of us know that what gets posted on social media is likely far from reality, we still like to gawk and stare at it because we dream of having that life someday—a life of perfect angles and only the highest quality natural lighting. We all have high hopes for ourselves; everyone wants to make it.

Being ambitious, or having a strong desire to achieve something and the determination to do the work to get it, is a great quality to have. I guess we’re all ambitious to some degree, but obviously some of us are more ambitious than others.

Being laser focused on achieving a goal is what I talk about a lot here, so I think it’s only right to ask this question....

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How Do You Define Success?

You are no stranger to hard work. You’ve been busting your ass, making it happen every day for your business, for your family, and for your own personal growth. 

One of your biggest goals in life is to succeed. But have you ever taken the time to stop and think about what success means to you?

Do you consider yourself successful now? You’ve probably already overcome ridiculous odds and accomplished things you never imagined you would be able to accomplish.

For ambitious people, like you and me, we can sometimes feel like we’re chasing a moving target. That’s why it’s really important to sit down and come up with a definition of what success means to you.

This definition should be the core of what you value most, and your “I need to accomplish this in life and everything else is just a bonus”. So what is that for you?

Is it Family?

Maybe your success is defined by how you treat your family and what you’re able to provide for them....

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