3 Types of Online Businesses You Can Start From Home and Still Be Profitable in 2021


Let's face it, fam. 2020 has been somewhat of a shit show.

First of all, it seems like this year has been more like 999 days than 334 (so far). Secondly, we've all lived through so many stressful events - from political strife, to social injustices, to a whole pandemic.

And unfortunately, many people didn't make it. In addition to people losing their lives, people have lost the livelihood.

Many businesses - specifically brick and mortar businesses - have had to close their doors because they just couldn't pay the bills under the kind of stress lockdowns and limits on gatherings and public safety has placed on their bottom line.

So naturally, people who wanted to start a business, pre-pandemic, are very reluctant to do so. It seems almost counterintuitive to start a business right now.

But the truth is, now is a great time to start a business - or shall I say, now's a great time to start an ONLINE business! So if you're thinking about starting a business, just take...

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How to Start Your Online Business with Virtually NoĀ Money

Click Here to Register for My FREE Training to show you "The Secret  Business Model Making Entrepreneurs Six Figures online Without Ever Buying Inventory"!

I’ve been really thinking a lot about how I can help more people start their businesses and become entrepreneurs. I know that there are so many people out here who dream of doing so and are motivated, but just don’t know what kind of business to start.

There are a lot of people who just don’t have a lot of money to invest up front, so they think that they can’t start a business until they do have a lot of money to invest. I recently sent a survey out to my email list asking them what was the biggest barrier holding them back from becoming entrepreneurs, and the answer I got the most was MONEY.

I started thinking about how I can help them with money, and unfortunately, I can’t give them the money they need to start their businesses. As I thought and thought over the last few days, I...

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5 Reasons You Should Start Your BusinessĀ Now

If you have dreams and aspirations of starting a business, there’s no better time than the present. Getting your mindset right, making any necessary preparations, and then taking action on your dream is one of the best decisions you’ll ever make.

In case it isn’t immediately obvious to you, I’m giving you 5 reasons you should start your business now.

  1. Starting a business is easier than ever.

Online entrepreneurship just keeps getting easier. As more and more companies introduce free, easy to use, innovative solutions for business owners, they help to make starting and running a business a piece of cake. 

There are plenty of easy to build website platforms, there are plenty of easy to setup ecommerce platforms, and there are plenty of easy to use payment gateways. Everything you need to setup shop and capture payments for your business is readily available online for free or at minimal cost.

2. There are more and more resources available to help you...

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