Check Your Internal Screen Door


When I was growing up, most of the houses in my neighborhood had a screen door on the front and back doors. Some of you may know what I’m talking about because you may have grown up with the same type of screen door on your house, and I’m sure there are still homes with those screen doors on them today.

The screen door acted as a barrier between the front door and outside. One of the coolest things about the screen door is that, if you wanted to leave your front door open, you could and the screen door would keep out the things you didn’t want in your house. 

If you wanted your home to catch a nice breeze from outside, you’d leave your door open so wind would blow in and screen doors would keep out the bugs, animals and random people. If you’re from the country, you probably know what I’m talking about. 

The screen door allowed you to see what was on the other side of the screen, but protect your space from any old thing just waltzing up into your space. 

Sometimes the screens on those doors would get damaged. They would fray, or something would break through them, causing them to be a lot less effective at keeping things out. If the screen was damaged, anything and anybody could get in much more easily, until you got it fixed. 

And that screen door is a great analogy to the internal screen we use to protect ourselves in life. Our gut or our intuition acts as our internal screen. 

It allows us to see what’s coming and to keep the things out that we don’t want in. Much like the screen on the door, when that internal screen is damaged we can’t do a good job of screening what we allow in, and people just waltz right in and take what they want. 

Experiences and people that we allow into our lives can end up damaging our internal screen. When you continuously ignore your intuition, or that voice inside of you giving you the uncut truth, you end up getting out of touch with it and it gets damaged. The more you ignore your intuition, the harder it becomes to hear and the less effective it is as a screen.

If you find that people have been coming into your life, ransacking your valuables and leaving a mess behind, you may need to check your internal screen. Ask yourself whether you’ve been ignoring your intuition for so long that you’ve fallen out of touch with it and allowed it to get damaged.

If you find that you have fallen out of touch with your intuition, you need to get back in touch with it by trusting it again. When your intuition nudges you about someone or something, listen to it — whether that nudge is a positive one or a negative one. 

So if you’ve found that your internal screen is damaged, secure it like you would the screen door on your home, so that you can keep unwanted things and people from entering your life.

Remember, my 66 Days of Bold Action Challenge officially starts on July 15th. It’s a challenge that encourages you to accomplish your biggest goals by giving you a whole group of accountability partners. You can join by clicking the link below.

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