Hi, I'm KP The Worrying Warrior

I’m a fighter. I don’t mind going after what I want in life because I’m just one of those people who don’t do well in unhappiness. When I’m unhappy with something, it nags at me and nags at me until I just have to do something about it.

And I think one of my best qualities is that I’m resilient af. When my mind is made up about something, it’s almost impossible to get me to stop pursuing whatever that thing is.

But. As much as I’m a fighter, I’m also a worrier. It may be the Capricorn in me who always has to have a plan for every single thing, and then a backup plan for the plan, and a backup plan for the backup plan, but when I’m focused on something, I’ll think through every possible scenario that could possibly occur. 

The problem with that is that sometimes that can backfire on me. Sometimes thinking through every possible scenario lands me in a doubtful, negative, pessimistic place that I then have to dig myself out of.

I know somebody reading this can relate. That worry can cause you to talk yourself out of things you, otherwise, would be great at. It can have you out here in these streets looking crazy — especially when your worry starts to make you second guess other people. 

Over the last week, I’ve gotten two hard lessons about worrying too much about things I can’t control. I allowed myself to get really stressed out about making a tough decision that I really didn’t want to make. I had thought through every scenario that might go down after making this decision and I allowed my mind to freeball and go wild. 

I had convinced myself that things would go exactly as I had dreamed up and I had really become laser focused on how to deal with the aftermath. After about two days of this, I realized what I had been doing. That’s when I made the decision to stop it. 

I focused on being aware of every thought I had related to that decision and I began to focus on just being at peace no matter what happened. I told myself that I’d be fine and I stopped trying to predict the future.

I did that for a full day, and I felt so much lighter. First of all, once I stopped trying to control what would happen in the future, I wasn’t stressed any more. It almost felt like what had been clouded thinking became crystal clear.

I was able to made the decision I needed to make, and it turns out that all the worrying I did was an absolute and utter waste of my time. That was two whole days wasted, wallowing in thoughts that probably added a wrinkle or two to my forehead (which I cannot afford) when I could have been focused on something much more productive. 

And that was a lesson that I needed to relearn. It’s something that I’ll remind myself of whenever I find myself in those “too planning, too thinking, too worrying” thought patterns.

In fact, a similarly worrying issue came up for me today, and I immediately drew on last week’s experience and stopped that shiznit right in its tracks. I kept my calm and made the decision that I would not try to guess what would happen in the future. I’d, instead, allow things to play out. 

Although, I encourage you through my podcast and through my writing, I am and will always be a work in progress. Growth is a continual process — it should never stop.

So I’ll continue to be a warrior, but I’m hanging up my worrying shoes.

Do you worry a lot? If so, how do you get through it? Find me on Instagram or Facebook and let me know.

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