All Advice Is Not Created Equal


In my last podcast episode, How Feedback Can Help You Grow in Life & Entrepreneurship, I made the point that feedback and advice from the people we trust in our personal lives can be as valuable as reviews can be in business. That advice can help us find opportunities to make improvements in life that we need to make in order to grow—just like in business.

It takes a very open minded person with a strong desire to grow to accept criticism and advice gracefully, but I don’t think that it is a good idea to just blindly accept all advice and feedback that comes your way. Not all advice is good advice and not all advisers have your best interests in mind. Knowing when to accept advice and when to reject it is just as important as being open to it in the first place.

There are times when you must determine whether or not you should take someone’s advice or incorporate their feedback into your life. Here are some questions you can consider as you make your...

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How Feedback Can Help You Grow in Life & Entrepreneurship


Every now and then, I have to be introspective and check myself when I know I’m being closed minded and stubborn. I had one of those moments last week after I got two pretty solid pieces of advice from two different friends, at separate times, on the same day.

You may remember my story of The Brutal Advice That Changed My Life, and how much I attribute a single piece of harsh advice with helping me make changes for the better in my life. In short, twenty years ago, a friend of mine told me that I was the type of person who allowed things to happen to them instead of making things happen for them. Sometimes I wonder if I would have made the same life choices if that friend hadn’t essentially bitch slapped some sense into me with that brutal comment.

Back to last week though. One friend gave me career advice, and the other friend gave me love advice. Both unsolicited. These friends are trustworthy people whom I admire and value, and neither of them would have any...

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You Already Have Everything You Need to Be Successful

Procrastination is the #1 dream killer. 

When you have a great idea for a business, you usually feel an undeniable sense of urgency to get started right away. You feel like you need to hurry up and make your idea a reality before someone beats you to it. 

But somewhere deep down among the layers of emotion that you have once you start planning your business, is this ugly creature called Doubt. Doubt can rear its ugly head at the most inopportune times and completely kill all the momentum that your sense of urgency gave you. 

That doubt leads to fear and that fear causes you to procrastinate. You put off going balls to the wall with your idea because you don’t have the right laptop, or you need a new camera, or your ink pens don’t write right, or any other silly excuse you can make. 

Why does it feel like I’m talking directly to you? Because I am!

I’ve been there. I’ve made up all sorts of excuses for why I wasn’t ready to...

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Is Your Business Idea Treasure or Trash?

As entrepreneurs, we can sometimes get pretty creative when trying to identify new business opportunities. When we start thinking about ways to be innovative or to differentiate ourselves from the competition, sometimes our ideas can get a bit wacky—like an idea for a snow cone barber shop truck or a raincoat for your car. 

When you’re trying to think of the perfect business idea, it can be hard to tell whether an idea you have is a good one or a bad one.

Before you start spending large amounts of time and money on starting your business, you should validate your idea to verify that it is viable. Here are some practical questions you can ask yourself to verify whether your business idea is treasure or trash.

Has it ever been done before?

Innovation is great, and if you’re an inventor, creating something that doesn’t exist might be right up your ally. For the most part though, if your business idea is for something that doesn’t currently...

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Dating Someone Who Doesn't Support Your Dream

A friend of mine recently asked me for advice. Let’s call this friend “Chuck”. Chuck shared something with me that he had never shared with anyone else. He had an idea for a book that he wanted to write about some of his life experiences. He had a unique point of view he wanted to share with a very targeted audience that he knew he could help. He was ready to step out of the shadows and finally share his gifts with the world. He’s super talented and I had no doubt in his ability to make his dream a reality. 

Chuck and I talked through the idea for his book, and sensing that Chuck wasn’t very confident in his talent and ability to write the book, I suggested that Chuck start writing a blog. I explained how writing the blog would capitalize on his sense of urgency, help him build his confidence, and that he’d get better at writing and expressing his point of view with each blog article he published.

Reluctantly, Chuck agreed to start that...

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10 Online Businesses You Can Start Today

Starting an online business is a great idea for aspiring entrepreneurs because online businesses can give you the ability to turn your passion into a money making business that allows you time flexibility and location independence. For many people, figuring out what kind of business you want to start can be difficult and confusing. 

To help you come up with ideas for your business, I created this list of ten online businesses you can start today:


Start an online freelance business. You can freelance doing just about anything. Freelancing just means that you sell your talents in the form of services. Your customers could be other businesses or private individuals. Some examples of businesses you can start as a freelancer are writing, editing, graphic design, logo design, and anything else you can think of. Great sites to use to list your services are Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer.

Web Developer

Learn how to code. There are a ton of free resources that teach...

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Setting Your Morning Routine for Success


About a year ago, I had a short stretch of time where I was super irritable in the afternoons and I couldn’t figure out why. Every day, as I drove to the gym, I’d experience a real sense of frustration and I couldn’t quite figure out where it was coming from. 

Yes, driving in Houston can be horribly frustrating, but this was different. My frustration every afternoon had become something that I had never experienced before. 

On top of that, I was feeling sluggish all day and I was horribly unproductive. No matter what time I went to bed at night—even if I took a nap, I’d still be tired. Because of this, I couldn’t focus and I wasn’t getting very much done most days.

I started to think through different possibilities of what could be causing me to feel this way and began to eliminate the things I thought it could be. I tried changing my diet, going the bed earlier, and a few other things, but none of that worked. 


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6 Ways Working Out Can Help You in Business

Most successful people have one thing in common—they work out. Tim Cook, Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg, and Barack Obama all work out regularly.

As cliche as it may seem, it’s true that health is wealth. Staying healthy is important for us all—for obvious reasons—but if you’re an entrepreneur, your health can mean the difference between a thriving business and a failing one. As a business owner, you need to avoid having to take excessive downtime due to preventable health issues, but being able to avoid sick days is not the only reason that getting in shape is good for business. 

Here are 6 ways working out can help you in business:


Working out motivates you to be better in all aspects of life. When you know that you are taking care of your body, you tend to want to take care of your mind and soul too. Caring for yourself—mind, body, and soul—usually means that you are willing to pursue the things in life that make...

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Delivery is Everything

Facebook is full of them. 

People who think they know more than everyone else about life, and love to tell the rest of us what we need to stop doing or what we need to start doing. Their posts are preachy af and you can almost picture the trash ass high horse they’re sitting on as they insinuate how much better they are than all of us over here in genpop.

We’ve all seen this a million times, and it makes you roll your eyes—even when the person is actually giving good advice. 

I had a Facebook friend (had because I deleted his preachy ass) who would make these types of posts all day, every day. What’s sad is that he actually had a good message. He gave really solid advice, but it was his delivery that was shitty. Horribly shitty.

When we deliver our message to people in a way that makes it sound like we think we’re better than they are, they stop listening. Especially if they know that you don’t even follow your own advice. 


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Stay Motivated - Hang In There, Introvert

Yesterday, I gave you all the 4 week update to my One Bold Action Per Day commitment. Since I’m always talking about pushing past your fears and going for what you know in life, I want to be sure I am giving you all a full picture of the good and the not so good.

The beginning of my week was pretty rough. My introversion was in extra full force. Recording my podcast wasn’t a problem, but posting videos on Instagram was a real struggle. Every morning I woke up with a very strong desire to delete my IG account and crawl back into a cave. 

I second guessed everything. Typically, I won’t listen to my podcast episodes once I post them, nor will I read my blog posts, nor will I watch my IGTV videos. But I did all those things this week. Over and over. 

Now, I don’t think it’s a bad thing to review your content. If you’re reviewing it to get new ideas or see where you can improve, great. If you’re reviewing it to be overly critical and...

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