Delivery is Everything

Facebook is full of them. 

People who think they know more than everyone else about life, and love to tell the rest of us what we need to stop doing or what we need to start doing. Their posts are preachy af and you can almost picture the trash ass high horse they’re sitting on as they insinuate how much better they are than all of us over here in genpop.

We’ve all seen this a million times, and it makes you roll your eyes—even when the person is actually giving good advice. 

I had a Facebook friend (had because I deleted his preachy ass) who would make these types of posts all day, every day. What’s sad is that he actually had a good message. He gave really solid advice, but it was his delivery that was shitty. Horribly shitty.

When we deliver our message to people in a way that makes it sound like we think we’re better than they are, they stop listening. Especially if they know that you don’t even follow your own advice. 


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