Why It's Important to Learn to Say, "No"

One of the most powerful words in the English language is one that many people struggle with saying. The thought of saying it gives them anxiety and makes them agree to do things they really don’t want to do. It’s a simple, one syllable word that makes the strongest of the strong as weak as a wet paper towel.

That word people struggle with saying is “no”. 

If you really think about it, it’s one of the first words we learn to say. The first three words uttered out of most babies mouths is “mama”, “dada”, and “no”. They say it to everything. Try to take something from them, they’ll certainly yell, “NO!” Try to make them eat something they don’t want, they’re going to scream, “NO!” Try to put them in the bed when they are fighting sleep, issa “NO!” 

Somewhere along the way, most people develop a people pleasing habit and lose that “No”...

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Imperfect Is Perfect

In this day and age of social media and reality television, we do a lot of peering into other people’s lives and watching from afar. We compare ourselves to them, wonder why we can’t do what they do and we envy how easy they make life look.

They seem to have perfect lives. They live good, travel to the best places, wear the nicest clothes, have the best looking bodies, the perfect bae, and—most importantly—take the best pictures with lighting you could only dream of. 

So when it comes to your business, you waste your time trying to create the perfect circumstances before you put yourself out there to start sharing your gift with the world. You’ve convinced yourself that the only way people will buy from you or listen to you is if you are as perfect as some of the accounts you’ve been paying attention to.

That’s a whole lie.

The truth is, your conscious mind is serving up stall tactics on a silver platter—knowing that the...

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5 Steps You Can Use to Create a Plan of Action for Your Business


Have you ever been so overwhelmed with having to make decisions about something that you just freeze and do nothing? Entrepreneurship can be exactly like that at times. There’s always so much work to do for your business that it can become overwhelming. 

According to Psychology Today, it’s thought that the average person makes around 35,000 decisions per day. That’s a whole hell of a lot of decision making, and it’s easy to see why we tend to put off some of those tough decisions we have to make for our businesses until later—and oftentimes, later never comes. 

If you’re into fitness like I am, you probably meal prep. The reason meal prepping is so effective, for people who want to eat healthy, is because it takes the thought out of every meal. Your meals are planned, so you don’t have to think about it and open yourself up to being overwhelmed and making poor decisions— which, of course, leads to failure.

I know...

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What Have You Been Doing for the Last 2 Months?


You’ve heard me talk a lot about how it takes 66 days to create a habit. So, I have a question, and I want you to really think about this. What have you been doing consistently for the last two months? Is it something that would create good habits or bad habits? Would you be proud to tell someone that you’ve been doing it?

Have you been sitting on the couch, watching TV every evening after work? Have you been writing articles for your blog? Have you been creating products for your business? Have you been avoiding doing something that you really need to do for your business?

Whatever you’ve been doing consistently for the last 66 days has likely become something that you do without even thinking about it. In other words, you’ve formed a habit. 

If you’ve inadvertently formed a bad habit, it’s not too late to break that and replace it with a good habit. You can make your mind up, right now, that you’ll create a good habit by...

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The Pain of Growth - 5 Tips to Get Through It


Have you ever wondered why we experience pain? Not physical pain but emotional pain.

If you really think about it, some of the most painful moments in your life have probably happened when you decided to make a difficult change that you perceived to be for the better—in other words, when you decided to seek growth. The pain we experience, in these instances, could be as simple as the discomfort of taking on the unknown or as deep as the agony of heartbreak. 

In any case, it’s difficult to sit in the pain and allow it to take its course. Like accidentally touching a hot burner on a stove, your natural reaction is to retreat out of the pain back to the safety of the what is familiar and comfortable, but then you don't grow.

When we get accustomed to situations, ideas, and people that once may have served us but no longer do, it can be hard to let go—even when we’ve grown unhappy with it or them. As purpose-driven entrepreneurs, we have to seek...

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Clarity on Clarity on Clarity


I’ve shared a few stories about running a dropshipping business that allowed me to stay hidden in the background and never take the “risk” of putting myself on display for the world to see. I’ve talked about how my focus with that business was solely to make money—which should be the focus of every business—but I didn’t choose to start it based on any particular passion or interest that I had, other than the desire to have an ecommerce business.

I always had a nagging feeling, though, that I should be and could be doing more. I felt like there was something deeper within me that I could be doing to help other people, and that’s when I decided to start my current business helping to motivate other people to follow their dreams. It’s something that I’m actually passionate about, it allows me to authentically share my gifts with the world, and it allows me to do something that could help other people change their...

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Focus On the Outcome

focus goals motivation May 06, 2019
Round here we’re pretty goal oriented, right? We (meaning you and I) talk a lot about setting big goals, then breaking those down into smaller goals and going hard in the paint for all the goals. I think I harp on how important that is for us to be productive and not to be out here just spinning our wheels, going nowhere.

The one thing about goal setting that we have to keep in mind is that it’s a means to an end. The actual goal is not the point. The outcome is. 

This is why it’s so important to wrap your brain around the fact that failing is not a bad thing. If you had to walk to the bank to pick up a check for $100MIL, and you tripped and fell on the way there, you wouldn’t decide that you no longer wanted to go pick up that check just because you fell. You would get your ass up, dust yourself off and keep walking—even if you had to drag one of your legs. You might even just pull out your phone and call an Uber to pick you up and take you to...

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Is Your Physical Space Conducive to Your Success?


I’m a pretty neat person. Not obsessively neat, but I like things a certain way. I never lose my keys at home, because I always put them in the same place. I never have to search for a left shoe, because all my shoes go back in the box as soon as I take them off. I never have to pick up clothes off the floor, because I just don’t put them on the floor. 

Although I don’t like to clean, at times, I’m pretty much a robot when it comes to keeping my living and working space neat and tidy. There are times, though, when I let it get out of hand. Surprisingly enough, the cleanliness of my home is usually a direct reflection of what’s going on in my life. 

When I’m feeling great about life and everything is somewhat in order, my space is clean and neat. When I feel like my life is out of order, you guessed it —I allow my space to get out of order and messy.

I only noticed this pattern a few years ago. I noticed that when I was...

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Mistaking a Fantasy for Your Dream Can Cause You to Fail Endlessly

We all have dreams—hopefully very big dreams—and some of us are out here chasing them. I encourage those of you who aren’t to get on it and start chasing yours, but since you’re here, this message may help you too.

As you pursue your dreams, you should be writing big goals, breaking those big goals down into smaller goals, and tracking them all. If you’re experiencing failure quite often, it’s important to look at the goals you are setting and be sure that the actual act of setting goals is not where you’re failing.

As I’ve discussed on my podcast—Master Your Mission—in the past, you should set goals using the SMART method of goal setting. Your goals should be:

Specific—Choose a specific thing you’d like to achieve.

Measurable—You must be able to measure your progress toward accomplishing it.

Attainable—Your goal should be practical. It should be something that pushes you but is within your real...

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Your Mindset is as Important to Your Business as Your Business Plan

When you think about starting a business and what’s required, you usually think of things like coming up with a product, writing a business plan, obtaining financing, finding a location, marketing, sales, and customer service. Most people jump right in by planning what they’ll do and how they’ll do it. You spend countless hours researching, creating marketing material, building a website, and all that fun, exciting stuff. 

In your planning, you may even consider all the reasons you’ve been told that most businesses fail—the lack of proper planning, insufficient funding, poor location, the owners not understanding their customers, or a whole litany of reasons. The one reason you never hear mentioned is that many businesses fail because so many entrepreneurs never bother to do the proper work building the right mindset.

According to SCORE, cashflow (or lack thereof) is the #1 reason businesses fail, but I don’t believe that. I believe that a...

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