$86,400 Per Day

Imagine this. Everyday, you wake up with the potential to have $86,400 deposited into your bank account at the end of the day. That’s one dollar for every second of the day.

Here’s the catch. Throughout the day, money is either subtracted or added to the deposit amount based on your actions. For every second you spend doing productive things that move you closer to creating the life you want, $1 is added to the deposit amount. For every second you spend taking no action to pursue creating the life you want, $1 is deducted from the deposit amount.

How much money would be deposited into your account at the end of every day?

Every second we spend in life either adds value or costs us something valuable.

Doing things like spending time with our families, exercising, or starting a business are all things that add value to our lives.

When we waste time complaining, procrastinating, or allowing fear to stop us from doing the things we dream of doing, it costs us dearly.

If the...

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5 Steps to the Perfect Online Business Idea

I talk to people, quit often, who want to start an online business but don’t have an idea for a business related to what they’re passionate about. If that’s you, it’s your lucky day.

I came up with a process for developing your perfect online business idea. Just follow the steps below and you’re on your way.

Step 1

Ask yourself these 3 qualifying questions:

  1. What do I love to do?
  2. What am I already good at?
  3. How can I fulfill a need or solve a problem?

Step 2

Consider what I call the 3 Purpose Plays or ways you can monetize your passion:

  • Sell It—Create a product related to your passion and sell it online.
  • Lease It—Become a consultant for people or businesses related to your passion.
  • Teach It—Teach other people how to do what you’re passionate about.

Step 3

Brainstorm ideas:

  • Take 10 to 15 minutes to write down every idea that comes to mind.
  • Keep your answers from Steps 1 and 2 in mind while you brainstorm.
  • Right down every idea....
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The Chain Effect That Can Change The World

Uncategorized Mar 09, 2019

I've been really inspired this week because several people have reached out to me to tell me how much they've been inspired by me sharing my journey and my gifts on my Master Your Mission podcast and on Instagram.

First of all, I truly appreciate the feedback. It reminds me that what I'm doing is bigger than me or any amount of money that I could ever hope to make. 

Getting your messages of support this week really made me think about the chain effect that occurs when we share our gifts with others. I share with you and you become inspired to share which, in turn, inspires someone else, and they share and inspire someone else, and the chain goes on and on and on. And just like that, we've affected the world. 

So even if your dream is not to have a podcast or to write a book or to teach a course, please continue to be inspired and share your gifts with the world. Someone is watching you and you'll inspire them enough to go out and be an inspiration to...

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The Airport Dream

Uncategorized Mar 08, 2019

Let me tell you about a crazy dream I had last night.

I was in a foreign country, headed to the airport to catch my departure flight, right? As the car I was in pulled up to the airport, I noticed all these signs on the exterior of the airport that said "ABSOLUTELY NO RUNNING ALLOWED". I thought it was strange, but I kept it moving.

So the next thing I knew (bear with me, it was a dream) I was sitting at the gate waiting to board the plane. Once the gate agents gave all the waiting passengers the go ahead to start lining up to board, I decided to go to the restroom one last time before getting on the plane. 

I went to the restroom and as I was walking out of the restroom, realize I'm now about to miss my flight and I'm on the other side of the airport. I knew I couldn't miss my flight because if I did, I'd be stuck and would have no way of getting to where I was going. 

So I started running - except my feet wouldn't move. They dragged the floor as if my shoes weighed...

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One Bold Action Per Day Update

If you listen to my Master Your Mission podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or Google Play Music (yes, that was a shameless plug), then you might remember that back on February 21, I committed to taking one bold action per day for 66 days.

My goal is to make taking bold actions a habit in my life or second nature. Just so you know, I defined a bold action as one that a) moves me out of my comfort zone and closer to my goals and b) defies an irrational fear that I’ve allowed to hold me back in the past.

I also challenged you to take one bold action per day toward something that you want in life.

So I made it to the 2 week mark, taking (at least) one bold action per day and I wanted to update you on how things have gone.

For the last 17 days, I’ve recorded an episode of my podcast every single day—something I was horrified to do just two weeks ago. I’ve also been posting informative videos to my Instagram account (another thing I was afraid of doing).

I’ve grown...

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Good Habits Aren't Hard to Find

Uncategorized Mar 06, 2019

I used to have a really bad habit of sitting on my couch with my laptop to work. I was easily distracted, was doing damage to my back, and just wasn't productive. 

I wanted to break that habit and create a new habit, so I went out and bought a chair so that I could sit at my desk instead (yeah, I know it's crazy that I had a desk and chose to sit on the couch). 

At first, I hated sitting in the chair, but I committed to sitting in the chair and working from my desk every day, even when I wanted so badly to go crawl on my couch with my laptop. Here's the crazy thing - after a few days, I actually wanted to sit at my desk. Studies have shown that it takes 66 days to form a habit, but I began to see the benefits to my decision almost immediately and I was hooked. I had become so much more productive, focused and alert. I was actually getting tasks accomplished in record time,and I even had more energy. 

Today, I look back and wonder what the hell I was...

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Maya Angelou and Destiny

I have a question for you.

Do you believe in destiny? Whether your answer is yes or no, I’d like to encourage you find the episode of Oprah’s Masterclass that features Maya Angelou and watch it.

I’ve watched this episode numerous times because it is so inspiring, and it reminds me not to worry. Dr. Angelou’s story is poetic, beautiful, and moving. It serves as a testament to the fact that as long as you are doing what you’re passionate about, greatness will follow.

At the age of 8, Maya Angelou was sexually abused by her mother’s boyfriend. When her uncles found out, they beat the man to death. That experience made her believe that her words were so powerful that they had killed a man, so at 8, she stopped talking—completely. How ironic that her words turned out to be so powerful that they gave life to the millions of people she affected with her writings and poetry.

For 5 years Maya Angelou didn’t utter a word. One of her teachers, at...

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Give Yourself a Pat on the Back

I just wanted to remind you to give yourself a great big pat on the back for all the hard work you’ve done recently.

As entrepreneurs, we can be really hard on ourselves, but part of winning is acknowledging what we’ve done well. So today, be grateful for all of your talents and all of the great things you’ve already accomplished in life.

As you continue to work toward your goals this week, reflect on the things you’ve done well and build on that energy.

Congratulations and job well done!

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The Best Online Business to Start in 2019

How many times have you gone to the internet to find instructions on how to do something you didn’t know how to do? Probably hundreds and maybe even thousands of times, right? We all do it. Most of us have also taken a training course online or purchased an information product like an ebook.

The information products business is booming. Information products are digital products created from your own knowledge or experience. They include courses, ebooks, how-to guides, consulting, books, seminars, retreats, membership sites and so much more. They are really anything that provides information.

Starting a new business or expanding your existing business by selling information products is such a great business because it doesn’t require you to purchase or handle physical products, making the cost of getting started low and profit margins high. You create a course—which can literally cost you nothing to make—and you sell it over and over and over to people all...

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Do You Have Billionaire Vision?

Remember how the King of Ecommerce and owner of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, started his company? If not, here’s the quick version—in 1994, he started the company by selling books online from his garage.

If you had more than 2 teeth in 1994, you remember that most people had pagers—not computers. The average person didn’t have a cell phone—there was no such thing as a smart phone, and shopping online wasn’t really a thing yet. But Jeff Bezos saw the potential power in the internet and started his company with that power in mind. Amazon grew very rapidly and today Jeff is the richest man in the world, with somewhere around $140 Billion in net worth.

It’s said that, back in 1994, Jeff knew he wanted to expand his product offering beyond just books. He wanted to offer a wide range of products someday. Jeff had the most important key to his astronomical success. He had a vision.

He is the perfect example of why a well thought out, clearly defined vision...

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