When You Lack Confidence as an Entrepreneur, Here's What You ShouldĀ Do

In yesterday’s episode of my daily podcast, Master Your Mission, I talked about how the lack of confidence can affect you as an entrepreneur. It can manifest itself in different ways and keep you stuck with the mindset that you can’t win.

Just to recap, here are some of the ways the lack of confidence can hold you back:

  1. You never take action.
  2. You second guess everything you do.
  3. You’re unable to stay committed.
  4. You take things too personal.
  5. You can’t take feedback.
  6. You miss out on great opportunities.
  7. You can’t stay focused.

You can listen to that episode in full here.

If you struggle with anything on that list, there’s a good chance you just need to work on building your confidence. And don’t feel bad, because everyone’s confidence wavers at different points in life. We all find ourselves in those moments where we have to build up our confidence at one time or another.

So let’s talk about what you can do to counter the effects...

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How the Lack of Confidence Affects You as an Entrepreneur

Confidence is important in life and in entrepreneurship. Most people have moments in life where they lack confidence and others moments where they overflow with confidence. 

Things happen in life that affect how we feel about ourselves. Sometimes bad things happen in our lives that break us down and leave us feeling uncertain about our own self worth or our ability to do what’s hard and unknown. Other times, great things happen that reinforce the good thoughts we have about ourselves, making us certain that we can accomplish whatever we dream. 

All of these thoughts play into how we perform as entrepreneurs. When things are great in your life and your confidence is through the roof, that can show in your business. Similarly, when things aren’t so great in your life or you just lack confidence, that shows up in your business too.

It’s important to be able to identify some of the ways that the lack of confidence can manifest itself so that you know how...

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You are Not an Imposter!

Have you ever accomplished something that you felt like you didn’t really deserve? I don’t mean in the case that you’re just a humble person or that you were given something you truly didn’t deserve; I mean you worked your ass off and really put in work to get it, only to feel like you didn’t belong among those who had also accomplished that thing.

This can happen when you get a promotion at work, or find success in entrepreneurship, or even when you start a new business. You just have a nagging feeling that you don’t know enough to have accomplished that thing or that you aren’t talented enough to be among the other talented people with whom you are now aligned.

That feeling you experience in those moments is called Imposter Syndrome. We all get it to some degree. Most people get it in small doses for various situations, but some people get it much more severely. It can be so severe that it causes a person to retreat or give up the very...

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What Do You Think About Yourself?

I want you to take a moment and finish each of the following statements with the first thought that comes to mind.

  1. I can…
  2. I have…
  3. I believe…
  4. I am…

Did you finish those statements with positive thoughts about yourself or negative thoughts about yourself?

In a perfect world, it would always be easy for us to affirm positive thoughts about ourselves, but sometimes we can end up in a mental space that causes our brains to be overrun by negativity. When we find ourselves there, it can be hard to see our way out.

Self doubt is something that we’ve all struggled with at some point in our lives, so if you’re currently struggling, you shouldn’t feel like you’re in this alone. It’s a human thing to go through, and you happen to be human.

Turning any negative thoughts you might have into positive ones takes deliberate decision making. Even when you’re feeling confident and good about yourself, you have to be fiercely...

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5 Ways to Instantly Boost Your Confidence as an Entrepreneur

Running a business is full of tasks that involve doing things that may be intimidating for some entrepreneurs. For instance, many business owners find interacting with people for business —talking to customers, suppliers, business partners, etc.—horribly intimidating. Things like hosting a podcast like I do, communicating on social media or even talking to people via email or telephone can give people such anxiety that they run from doing it. 

No matter what business you are in, you’ll have to communicate with people in some form or another. You may have to talk to customers to make sales, handle customer service inquiries, talk to suppliers, talk to business partners, talk to employees, and so much more. Whether you’re a new entrepreneur or a seasoned one, this can be one of the most intimidating parts of doing business. 

Many times, it’s intimidating because you have a hard time giving yourself credit for being an expert. You may feel...

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What I Learned From a 2 YearĀ Old


I recently spent a day with a friend and her 2 year old son, Martin. We went to a park that has an area with a water feature where water shoots out of the ground from several spouts, similar to the way water comes out of a water fountain. 

Of course, this area of the park stays lit with small children running around like crazy people, ducking into and out of the many streams of water shooting up from the ground. They do this as their parents sit on the chairs and benches surrounding the area and watch them play.

So we found a spot to sit, and Martin’s mom released him into the wild. I don’t have kids, so I’m not around children on a regular basis, and I’m not really sure what I expected little Martin to do, but I was actually pleasantly surprised by what he did do.

He saw the water shoot of from the ground and went balls to the wall crazy over it. He took off running into the water with all of the other kids, jumping and stomping and laughing...

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