When You Lack Confidence as an Entrepreneur, Here's What You Should Do

In yesterday’s episode of my daily podcast, Master Your Mission, I talked about how the lack of confidence can affect you as an entrepreneur. It can manifest itself in different ways and keep you stuck with the mindset that you can’t win.

Just to recap, here are some of the ways the lack of confidence can hold you back:

  1. You never take action.
  2. You second guess everything you do.
  3. You’re unable to stay committed.
  4. You take things too personal.
  5. You can’t take feedback.
  6. You miss out on great opportunities.
  7. You can’t stay focused.

You can listen to that episode in full here.

If you struggle with anything on that list, there’s a good chance you just need to work on building your confidence. And don’t feel bad, because everyone’s confidence wavers at different points in life. We all find ourselves in those moments where we have to build up our confidence at one time or another.

So let’s talk about what you can do to counter the effects of not having confidence in yourself as an entrepreneur. 

1. Come up with a plan.

When you have an idea that you want to pursue, research it, create a plan of action then execute the plan. Remember that there’s no way for you to know everything. No matter how much you plan, there will still be unknowns.

2. Take action with an open mind.

Think of taking action as if it were an experiment. In other words, make adjustments as you go. When something doesn’t work out quit the way you expected, make adjustments and keep going.

3. Set a minimum commitment date.

Set a date that you are willing to give yourself to stick to the plan to see the results. It’s really important for this to be a realistic date, so take into consideration how much time and attention you’re willing to put into your idea and what your expectations from it are.

4. Seek out feedback.

Actively ask people for feedback as you execute your plan. Ask customers, clients, friends, family, and anyone else willing to talk to you for feedback regarding your idea. Learn not to be overly sensitive about criticism. Take it all into consideration and use it to find ways to improve your idea.

5. Believe in yourself.

Believing in yourself and your ability to accomplish your goals is the best thing that you can do as an entrepreneur. Trusting your ability will help you seize opportunity as it comes your way. 

For an instant boost in confidence, revisit the 5 Ways to Instantly Boost Your Confidence as an Entrepreneur episode of my podcast.

If you lack confidence in your entrepreneurial ability, don’t give up. Work on doing things that build and reinforce your confidence so that you don’t end up stuck holding on to a can’t win mindset.

Another great way of building up your confidence is by joining my 66 Days of Bold Action Challenge where you’ll have accountability partners and a support system as you take action to accomplish your goals. Click the link below to join the Challenge today!

Do you know someone who needs to join the 66 Days of Bold Action Challenge or who would enjoy this article? If so, please share it with them, and listen to my podcast, Master Your Mission, for daily motivation and inspiration to pursue your dreams.


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