Entrepreneur Baeā€Š-ā€ŠDating an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs are usually very ambitious people. We have big dreams and lofty goals, and most of the time, anything that gets in the way of those goals gets nixed. We don’t have time to waste doing things that are meaningless or that don’t advance our interests. 

So when it comes to being a single entrepreneur, it can be easy to find yourself in a sad state of singles purgatory. There, you’ll find it hard to make time to focus on your dating life, and when you do, it’s hard to connect with someone who is unambitious or who doesn’t understand your extreme ambition.

I’m single. I have been for quite some time now, and most of the time, dating takes a back seat to my goals. I have a habit of telling myself that once I reach my goals, I’ll be able to dedicate more time to dating.

Right now, my business is bae. I’m fully dedicated to it and I feel guilty when I spend too much time doing other things. For instance, when I go out for...

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Is the Universe Speaking toĀ You?

I’ve been thinking about synchronicity a lot lately. Not quite sure what that is? Google defines it as…

The simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.

It’s a concept that was first introduced by German Psychologist, Carl Jung, around 1921.

I’ve been wanting to talk about it here, because I believe that there’s significance in synchronicity when it comes to intuition and how we communicate with the supernatural universe—or how it communicates with us. So I’ve been thinking about synchronicity a lot lately, and yesterday I realized that I’ve been experiencing it a lot in the last few days.

The synchronicity I’ve been experiencing is that I’ve been seeing 6s like crazy. I’m not typically aware of numerical patterns like that—I could look at the clock at 11:11 and it would go right over my head—but for whatever reason, this 6 episode stood...

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Should You Go Into Business WithĀ Friends?

When you have a really good friend, you want to do everything together. You want to hang out, eat together, drink together, and sometimes even live together. You spend so much time and share so much of the same energy that you can basically finish each other’s thoughts. 

If you happen to have that entrepreneurial spirit, you’ve probably dreamed out loud about your aspirations to your good friend, and they’ve probably dreamed out loud about theirs to you. You may spend countless hours bouncing ideas off of each other and planning out how you’ll spend your first Million in your future life.

If you both dream of starting a business, there may even be times that you talk about starting a business together, but is that a good idea? It depends.

There are so many layers to this question that there’s really no clear cut answer, so let’s look at a few of the things that you should consider before you decide to take the plunge plunge and basically...

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Self Awareness is a Virtue in Life & in Entrepreneurship


Two of my favorite pieces of advice to give people are…

  1. Know yourself.
  2. Own your shit.

I even started my podcast, Master Your Mission, with those five words in the first few episodes. 

Knowing yourself and owning your shit are both qualities of a person who is self-aware. Google defines self awareness as conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires.

I personally think that self awareness is one of the most overlooked keys to fulfillment and success in life and in business. The opposite, not knowing yourself, is really a liability.

Self awareness builds integrity. When you have integrity, you own your mistakes and you do what you need to do to correct any situation in which you’ve made a mistake or to avoid repeating the same mistake. You treat people with fairness and you don’t try to take advantage of people. When you have integrity, you care about your reputation and you genuinely want your customers to have...

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Find Purpose Beyond Your Own Self Interests


I can’t swim. I’ve previously told the story of my most recent attempt to learn how to swim in a past episode of my Podcast, Master Your Mission, called Great Things Are Happening Just Outside Your Comfort Zone.

What you may not know about me is that I love to travel. I’ve been to some really cool places all over the world. In many of these places, I’ve found myself in the middle of the ocean on some small boat, clinching my fists with my stomach turning in fear because of the fact that I can’t swim. 

To clarify, I’ll give an example of what I mean. When I visited Puerto Vallarta, in Mexico, my travel buddies and I wanted to go on a day trip to visit the beach in a small town called Yelapa. The only way to get to Yelapa from Puerto Vallarta is a 40 minute boat ride through the choppy ocean down the Pacific Coast. Now, I don’t mean a cruise ship boat ride. I mean a small boat that can hold maybe 10–15 people max. Check...

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A Fun House Mirror Belongs in a FunĀ House

What if all your life, from the time you were born, the only mirror you were ever given to look at yourself was a fun house mirror?

Every time you saw your reflection, you’d see a distorted image of you staring back. You’d go through life believing that the image you saw in that mirror was how other people also saw you.

And even though you could look down at your body and touch your face, you still believed that other people saw you the way you saw yourself. Can you imagine how much that would affect your confidence, your interactions with other people, and the way you moved around the world?

How do you see yourself? When you see your reflection in the mirror, do you see the same person you envision in your mind? 

What about the reflection you get of yourself from those around you? Do you think that reflection is accurate? Do people see you the way you see yourself?

Most of the time, the way we see ourselves is not how others see us. We know our own deepest,...

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Get Out of Your Feelings & Get Into theĀ Bag

When we’re planning our next big move, we often think too much about who will like our business idea or whatever it is we want to do in life. We wonder whether people will laugh at us, talk about us, think our ideas are stupid, and on and on. Sometimes we even go so far as to base the decision to actually take action or do nothing on our assumption of what people will say.

We all think about things like this, but if you ever want to accomplish anything in life, you have to move forward—in spite of those thoughts. There will be people who feel you and people who don’t. You have to do what you dream of doing anyway. 

Consider the fact that there are people who genuinely don’t like Beyonce’s music. You may wonder how that’s possible, but those people actually exist. Them not liking her music doesn’t make them haters because—remember those things called opinions? Everyone’s got one and everyone is entitled to theirs. ...

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When You Get Too Comfortable, GetĀ Scared


They say that complacency is the root of mediocrity. 

There are plenty of reasons we can become complacent. It could be that we are afraid to push ourselves beyond the limits of our comfort zones, or that we have allowed life to get in the way of taking risks, or it could be that we have found ourselves in a happy place that we don’t want to disturb.

In the case of happiness, I can’t argue with that. Happiness and peace are what we all seek in life, and if you’ve found that and gotten comfortable, that’s great. Complacency in the midst of unhappiness though is another story. 

Allowing yourself to get comfortable with feelings of discomfort and displeasure in life are exactly the opposite of what you should be doing if you want to live your best life. Complacency, in these situations, should frighten you.

When you find yourself getting complacent and feeling like you are not functioning at your highest frequency, it’s important that...

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7 Ways Growing Up Poor Can Help You inĀ Business

We’ve all heard rags to riches stories before. They can be among the most inspiring because they give us hope. Hearing the story of an entrepreneur who turned nothing into something reminds us that anything is possible when you’re willing to put in the work.

I can relate to growing up with less than my parents probably wanted their children to have. My mother worked very hard to provide for her children, but we didn’t have a whole lot. 

That experience did some damage to me, and for a long time, I couldn’t find any value in it. I wished that we could have had all the riches we could have ever dreamed of and I wondered what my life would have been like if we had. 

Today, I realize that is’t all in perspective. There actually is value that can be found in the way I—and so many others—grew up. No one wants to struggle financially, but when you grow up with less, it leaves you with some qualities that can actually help you in...

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Why You Aren't "Attracting" Money

I love positivity. I love motivation. It’s the field that I chose to pursue in business and what I feel my purpose is at this phase in my life. Like many people, I like to follow Instagram accounts who promote messaging that is positive and uplifting, and I love me some good affirmations.

There’s one affirmation, though, that I keep seeing show up on people’s timelines that I take issue with. The affirmation looks like this…

A lot of people actually repeat stuff like this and convince themselves that it’s true, when—really—it’s either an incomplete affirmation or an outright lie. You aren’t attracting money if you’re just sitting around waiting on it to come to you, and I know so many people who do exactly that.

People are out here telling themselves that they attract money and if they just believe that they attract money, it will somehow magically fill up their bank accounts. That’s not how it works. 


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