5 Benefits of Having a LifeĀ Coach

I’m a Life Coach, and I’ll be the first to admit that most people aren’t real clear about what a Life Coach is. Most of my friends think of Iyanla Vanzant when they think of a Life Coach, and while she’s a great representation of Life Coaches, I usually have to explain that there are different types of Life Coaches out there.

According to Google Dictionary, a Life Coach is a person who counsels and encourages clients on matters having to do with careers or personal challenges. A Life Coach is professionally trained to help you maximize your potential in life or business and reach a desired outcome.

Life Coaches usually specialize in a certain niche. For instance, a divorced mother who wants to get back out into the dating pool might hire a Life Coach who specializes in helping women like her build up their confidence and date more. 

A Life Coach is different from a Therapist in that therapists usually help you resolve issues from your past in order to...

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Should You Go Into Business WithĀ Friends?

When you have a really good friend, you want to do everything together. You want to hang out, eat together, drink together, and sometimes even live together. You spend so much time and share so much of the same energy that you can basically finish each other’s thoughts. 

If you happen to have that entrepreneurial spirit, you’ve probably dreamed out loud about your aspirations to your good friend, and they’ve probably dreamed out loud about theirs to you. You may spend countless hours bouncing ideas off of each other and planning out how you’ll spend your first Million in your future life.

If you both dream of starting a business, there may even be times that you talk about starting a business together, but is that a good idea? It depends.

There are so many layers to this question that there’s really no clear cut answer, so let’s look at a few of the things that you should consider before you decide to take the plunge plunge and basically...

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Your Mindset is as Important to Your Business as Your BusinessĀ Plan

When you think about starting a business and what’s required, you usually think of things like coming up with a product, writing a business plan, obtaining financing, finding a location, marketing, sales, and customer service. Most people jump right in by planning what they’ll do and how they’ll do it. You spend countless hours researching, creating marketing material, building a website, and all that fun, exciting stuff. 

In your planning, you may even consider all the reasons you’ve been told that most businesses fail—the lack of proper planning, insufficient funding, poor location, the owners not understanding their customers, or a whole litany of reasons. The one reason you never hear mentioned is that many businesses fail because so many entrepreneurs never bother to do the proper work building the right mindset.

According to SCORE, cashflow (or lack thereof) is the #1 reason businesses fail, but I don’t believe that. I believe that a...

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Time Is of the Essenceā€Š-ā€Š5 Time Management Tips to Help You Get More Out of YourĀ Day


There’s a lot in life and in business that we can run out of and just go get more. Supplies, products, customers, and even money can all be replenished. But there is one thing that we all need that is gone forever once it runs out. That is time.

As an entrepreneur, you probably often feel like there’s just not enough time in the day to get things done—I know I do. You need to email customers, market your products or services, update your blog, record your podcast, fulfill your orders, post on social media, and so much more. Juggling your personal life with your business can make it all very overwhelming. 

When you’re an ambitious person, you try to pack as much productivity as possible into the time you have available. If you don’t have a workable time management plan, you can find yourself running in circles and getting nothing done.  

My One Bold Action per Day commitment has really helped me to become much more productive, because...

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Zombies During the Week But Weekends onĀ Fleek


In honor of Friday, let’s talk about what I call weekday zombies. Weekday zombies walk around in a trance, dragging their feet with their eyes rolled in the backs of their heads Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and then on Friday, they come alive again.

These are people who live for the weekend. They turn off and become zombies during the week, most often because they dislike their jobs or have no sense of fulfillment in their careers. On Friday, they wake up excited to live life to the fullest, only to die again late Sunday night or Monday morning. 

If you aren’t someone who lives for the weekend, you certainly know people who do. It’s a very common issue. People spend more time at work than anywhere else and most never even try to build a career that grants them the lifestyle they want. So they end up hating Mondays, dreading Tuesdays, barely getting through Wednesdays, tolerating Thursdays, and elated once Friday rolls around. 


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