Get Out of Your Feelings & Get Into the Bag

When we’re planning our next big move, we often think too much about who will like our business idea or whatever it is we want to do in life. We wonder whether people will laugh at us, talk about us, think our ideas are stupid, and on and on. Sometimes we even go so far as to base the decision to actually take action or do nothing on our assumption of what people will say.

We all think about things like this, but if you ever want to accomplish anything in life, you have to move forward — in spite of those thoughts. There will be people who feel you and people who don’t. You have to do what you dream of doing anyway. 

Consider the fact that there are people who genuinely don’t like Beyonce’s music. You may wonder how that’s possible, but those people actually exist. Them not liking her music doesn’t make them haters because — remember those things called opinions? Everyone’s got one and everyone is entitled to theirs. 

Now think about it. If there are people out there who genuinely don’t like Beyonce’s music, why would you ever be surprised that there are going to be people out there who don’t like whatever you do? 

Do those people who don’t like Beyonce’s music stop her from getting baggggs? No, not at all! And do you think that Beyonce is sitting around thinking about those people, deciding whether she’ll drop another album based on whether they come around and start liking her or not? Hell no!

You should get into business knowing full well that there are going to be people who aren’t fans of your work. That’s fine. Everything ain’t for everybody. But you undoubtedly have something that someone out there wants. Your job is to find those people and give them exactly that.

If you’re super sensitive to people’s negative opinions about your business, prepare yourself now for opinions you didn’t ask for and criticisms that seem unfair. But negativity is just a drop in the bucket of entrepreneurship. The rest of the bucket is full of all the good things that await you on you once you really start sharing your gifts. 

For the most part, when you’re out here spreading positivity, encouraging others, and doing your thing, you’ll get that energy in return. Of course, there will still be the occasional idiot who has something negative to say even when you’re positive, but #1 it’ll probably be on the internet and…it’s the internet, and #2 you really have to consider the fact that there are people out here on social media and online with real mental issues. 

No matter what you do, you’ll have people who don’t feel you or what you’re doing, but the number of people who feel you and support what you’re doing will far outweigh any amount of negativity you could ever receive. So when you encounter someone who isn’t a fan of what you do, get out of your feelings and get into the bag.

Are you currently struggling (or have you ever struggled) with being afraid to start based on what you think other people will think? Find me on Instagram or Facebook and let me know.

Also, visit my website to check out the courses and training programs I offer and to listen to my podcast, Master Your Mission, for daily motivation and inspiration to pursue your dreams.


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