Is the Universe Speaking to You?

I’ve been thinking about synchronicity a lot lately. Not quite sure what that is? Google defines it as…

The simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.

It’s a concept that was first introduced by German Psychologist, Carl Jung, around 1921.

I’ve been wanting to talk about it here, because I believe that there’s significance in synchronicity when it comes to intuition and how we communicate with the supernatural universe — or how it communicates with us. So I’ve been thinking about synchronicity a lot lately, and yesterday I realized that I’ve been experiencing it a lot in the last few days.

The synchronicity I’ve been experiencing is that I’ve been seeing 6s like crazy. I’m not typically aware of numerical patterns like that — I could look at the clock at 11:11 and it would go right over my head — but for whatever reason, this 6 episode stood out. 

I first noticed it on my Instagram account. My account has been stuck on 666 followers for at least two weeks now. I gain followers, lose followers, gain some more, and I still end up with 666 followers. 

I even jokingly took this screenshot when I first started noticing the 6s.

So a few days passed, and I would forgot about it, I would notice another 6, brush it off, and go on about my life. Well yesterday — after I had gained around 10 followers over the course of a few days — I looked at my phone and noticed that I was back at 666 followers.

At that point, I was weirded out. After noticing that I was back at 666 followers, I glanced up from my phone at my laptop, and BAM! It was freaking 1:36. Another damn 6!

The first thing I looked for was a damn black crow outside my window, but to my relief, there wasn’t one there. So I did a quick Google search to find out what the hell it means to see so many 6s. 

The Google machine told me that seeing the number 6 a lot is my guardian angel telling me that I need balance. Guess what I need balance from y’all…

Materialistic focus — or the focus on money.

Honestly, I was floored because I have been very focused on money lately. What I read said that I need to balance my focus on material things with my focus on spending time with family. In other words, focus on family.

What’s so crazy about all that is that it’s true. I’m not very good at balancing the time that I give to my family with the time that I spend working and focusing on making money. 

One of my biggest dreams in life has always been to be able to take care of my mother. What’s been hard for me is balancing my efforts in entrepreneurship with taking time off to go see my family. 

So that’s the message I want to share here today. 

Hopefully, you’re doing a better job that I am of balancing your life — work, family, and self care. We should all find the perfect balance that gives us the most fulfillment.

Unfortunately, most of us probably find it hard to do that. We either overwork and feel like we don’t spend enough time with family, or we spend so much time focusing on family that we never find time to chase our dreams. But just like we only get one life to chase those dreams, we only get one life to share with our families — the people we love most.

So I’m making it a goal of mine to find balance in my life and I hope that, if you struggle with the same thing, you’ll make it a goal to find balance in yours.

Do you feel like you live a balanced life? Find me on Instagram or Facebook and share any tips you have for leading a balanced life.

Do you know someone who could use this article? If so, please share it with them. 

Also, visit my website to check out the courses and training programs I offer and to listen to my podcast, Master Your Mission, for daily motivation and inspiration to pursue your dreams.


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