Why You Aren't "Attracting" Money

I love positivity. I love motivation. It’s the field that I chose to pursue in business and what I feel my purpose is at this phase in my life. Like many people, I like to follow Instagram accounts who promote messaging that is positive and uplifting, and I love me some good affirmations.

There’s one affirmation, though, that I keep seeing show up on people’s timelines that I take issue with. The affirmation looks like this…

A lot of people actually repeat stuff like this and convince themselves that it’s true, when — really — it’s either an incomplete affirmation or an outright lie. You aren’t attracting money if you’re just sitting around waiting on it to come to you, and I know so many people who do exactly that.

People are out here telling themselves that they attract money and if they just believe that they attract money, it will somehow magically fill up their bank accounts. That’s not how it works. 

Money will not flow to you.

Money will not fill your bank account.

Money will not find you.

Money is not even looking for you.

If you’re a fellow motivator, please don’t feed people lies like this. It’s detrimental to their growth. If you‘ve convinced yourself to believe that affirmation, but you aren’t sharing your talents with the world or putting in work to get the money, please just stop.

If you don’t have something built that will generate income for you, then income won’t be generated. You can share that meme on your social media a gazillion times and it still won’t be true. It’s just feel good fluff. 

If you want to attract money, you need to be doing something to attract it. You need to get up off your ass and go get the money. You can’t expect to be rewarded financially for doing absolutely nothing. 

What is true is that when you give people something of value, you’ll start making money. It takes work. It takes courage. It takes consistency, but most of all, it takes action. 

You have plenty of talents that you can use to create something valuable that people want to pay you for. That’s where the gold is. Create that, sell it, and the money will come. Then…

Money will flow to you.

Money will fill your bank account.

Money will find you.

Because money will be looking for you.

Oh and by the way…


There. I fixed it.

Find me on Instagram or Facebook and let me know if you’re sharing your talents so that you’ll attract money.

Also, visit my website to check out my training programs and listen to my podcast, Master Your Mission, for daily motivation and inspiration to pursue your dreams.



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