Sometimes Being Stupid is the Smartest Thing You Can Do

Do you remember a time in life when you were really stupid? I mean, like you can think back to some of the things you used to do and wonder how you even survived?

I feel like that when I think back to my 20s. I want to say that I thought I knew everything there was to know about life, but honestly, I think I was aware that I knew nothing about life. That’s what inspired me.

When I was in my 20s, I had a burning desire to learn more about life. I grew up in a small city with a population of around 250,000 people, at the time, and I desperately wanted to get out of that city to see what the world had to offer. 

I wanted to experience another way of life, and not just be limited to what I knew growing up, so I decided to leave. I moved to another city. That’s pretty commendable, and I’m proud of that, but here’s the stupid part. I was flat ass broke when I moved.

I had found a job prior to moving, but on the day that I was to leave my hometown, I had...

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When You Get Too Comfortable, Get Scared


They say that complacency is the root of mediocrity. 

There are plenty of reasons we can become complacent. It could be that we are afraid to push ourselves beyond the limits of our comfort zones, or that we have allowed life to get in the way of taking risks, or it could be that we have found ourselves in a happy place that we don’t want to disturb.

In the case of happiness, I can’t argue with that. Happiness and peace are what we all seek in life, and if you’ve found that and gotten comfortable, that’s great. Complacency in the midst of unhappiness though is another story. 

Allowing yourself to get comfortable with feelings of discomfort and displeasure in life are exactly the opposite of what you should be doing if you want to live your best life. Complacency, in these situations, should frighten you.

When you find yourself getting complacent and feeling like you are not functioning at your highest frequency, it’s important that...

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The Cost of Keeping a Job You Hate


Would you rather be an entrepreneur, doing what you love but not making much money or would you rather work for someone doing something you hate but making a lot of money?

I asked this question on Instagram today.

Pretty much everyone who responded said that they would rather be an entrepreneur. The money doesn’t really matter when it comes to peace and the freedom of being your own boss.

So what are people to do when they want to be entrepreneurs but happen to really hate what they do for a living? First of all, I can definitely relate to feeling like this. Working a job you hate can cause you to feel depressed, stressed, and a shitty mess—no matter how much it pays. 

Let’s look at how that job you hate is really affecting your life, and again, I have first hand experience with this topic.

You’re probably not giving the job your all. You probably go to work and half ass it just enough to keep getting a paycheck. Your password to everything at...

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5 Steps You Can Use to Create a Plan of Action for Your Business


Have you ever been so overwhelmed with having to make decisions about something that you just freeze and do nothing? Entrepreneurship can be exactly like that at times. There’s always so much work to do for your business that it can become overwhelming. 

According to Psychology Today, it’s thought that the average person makes around 35,000 decisions per day. That’s a whole hell of a lot of decision making, and it’s easy to see why we tend to put off some of those tough decisions we have to make for our businesses until later—and oftentimes, later never comes. 

If you’re into fitness like I am, you probably meal prep. The reason meal prepping is so effective, for people who want to eat healthy, is because it takes the thought out of every meal. Your meals are planned, so you don’t have to think about it and open yourself up to being overwhelmed and making poor decisions— which, of course, leads to failure.

I know...

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Focus On the Outcome

focus goals motivation May 06, 2019
Round here we’re pretty goal oriented, right? We (meaning you and I) talk a lot about setting big goals, then breaking those down into smaller goals and going hard in the paint for all the goals. I think I harp on how important that is for us to be productive and not to be out here just spinning our wheels, going nowhere.

The one thing about goal setting that we have to keep in mind is that it’s a means to an end. The actual goal is not the point. The outcome is. 

This is why it’s so important to wrap your brain around the fact that failing is not a bad thing. If you had to walk to the bank to pick up a check for $100MIL, and you tripped and fell on the way there, you wouldn’t decide that you no longer wanted to go pick up that check just because you fell. You would get your ass up, dust yourself off and keep walking—even if you had to drag one of your legs. You might even just pull out your phone and call an Uber to pick you up and take you to...

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You Already Have Everything You Need to Be Successful

Procrastination is the #1 dream killer. 

When you have a great idea for a business, you usually feel an undeniable sense of urgency to get started right away. You feel like you need to hurry up and make your idea a reality before someone beats you to it. 

But somewhere deep down among the layers of emotion that you have once you start planning your business, is this ugly creature called Doubt. Doubt can rear its ugly head at the most inopportune times and completely kill all the momentum that your sense of urgency gave you. 

That doubt leads to fear and that fear causes you to procrastinate. You put off going balls to the wall with your idea because you don’t have the right laptop, or you need a new camera, or your ink pens don’t write right, or any other silly excuse you can make. 

Why does it feel like I’m talking directly to you? Because I am!

I’ve been there. I’ve made up all sorts of excuses for why I wasn’t ready to...

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How to Set Goals & Crush Them

Let’s talk about goals.

If you’ve paid any attention to what I’ve been telling you over the last few weeks, you know that one of the things I consistently encourage is goal setting. If you want to change something in your life, you need to set a goal to do it first.


Well, if you don’t know where you are going, how will you know how to get there? Setting a goal is like creating a road map to the destination in which you want to go.

Believe it or not, there’s a science to setting goals effectively and putting yourself in the best possible position to actually achieve those goals. (Hopefully, you’re not setting goals just for the sake of setting goals.)

I bet you can guess what’s going to happen next.

Yep, I’m going to tell you how to effectively set goals, then crush them.

First, a little history. In 1981, a guy named George Doran wrote a paper that appeared in Management Review called, There’s a S.M.A.R.T. way to write...

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$86,400 Per Day

Imagine this. Everyday, you wake up with the potential to have $86,400 deposited into your bank account at the end of the day. That’s one dollar for every second of the day.

Here’s the catch. Throughout the day, money is either subtracted or added to the deposit amount based on your actions. For every second you spend doing productive things that move you closer to creating the life you want, $1 is added to the deposit amount. For every second you spend taking no action to pursue creating the life you want, $1 is deducted from the deposit amount.

How much money would be deposited into your account at the end of every day?

Every second we spend in life either adds value or costs us something valuable.

Doing things like spending time with our families, exercising, or starting a business are all things that add value to our lives.

When we waste time complaining, procrastinating, or allowing fear to stop us from doing the things we dream of doing, it costs us dearly.

If the...

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Give Yourself a Pat on the Back

I just wanted to remind you to give yourself a great big pat on the back for all the hard work you’ve done recently.

As entrepreneurs, we can be really hard on ourselves, but part of winning is acknowledging what we’ve done well. So today, be grateful for all of your talents and all of the great things you’ve already accomplished in life.

As you continue to work toward your goals this week, reflect on the things you’ve done well and build on that energy.

Congratulations and job well done!

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