5 Steps You Can Use to Create a Plan of Action for Your Business


Have you ever been so overwhelmed with having to make decisions about something that you just freeze and do nothing? Entrepreneurship can be exactly like that at times. There’s always so much work to do for your business that it can become overwhelming. 

According to Psychology Today, it’s thought that the average person makes around 35,000 decisions per day. That’s a whole hell of a lot of decision making, and it’s easy to see why we tend to put off some of those tough decisions we have to make for our businesses until later — and oftentimes, later never comes. 

If you’re into fitness like I am, you probably meal prep. The reason meal prepping is so effective, for people who want to eat healthy, is because it takes the thought out of every meal. Your meals are planned, so you don’t have to think about it and open yourself up to being overwhelmed and making poor decisions— which, of course, leads to failure.

I know that if I had to think about the meals that I eat throughout the day, I would eat inconsistently, and I would probably eat whatever I could get my hands on with the least amount of work. When I meal prep, I only have to figure things out one time, and then the rest is easy as pie (or a protein shake). Meal prepping is like your plan of action for your diet.

Having a plan of action makes you less susceptible to analysis paralysis — or the inability to move due to being overwhelmed with thought and decision making. Like the meal prepping example, you can probably see very clearly why having a plan of action for your business is important.

Here are 5 steps you can use to create a plan of action for your business:

  1. Have a vision.

Figure out what it is you want to achieve, and decide exactly how you’re going to achieve it. 

2. Identify goals that will help you achieve your vision.

Using the S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting Method, set goals for how you will achieve your vision. 

3. Break your goals down into actionable tasks.

For each goal, make a lists of tasks you need to perform in order to accomplish that goal.

4. Identify and obtain what you need for each task.

Determine what you need in order to complete each task. This could include financing, obtaining supplies, setting appointments, etc.

5. Take action.

This is a no brainer. Take action on the plan you just mapped out.

These steps can be used for your business as a whole and for projects within your business.

With a plan of action now mapped out, you’ve taken the decision making out of doing what you need to do for your business. This means you’ll be overwhelmed and stressed a lot less and able to take action and stick to the script a lot more. 

If this article helped you, feel free to hit me up on Instagram or Facebook and let me know.

Also, listen to my Master Your Mission podcast on iTunes, Spotify, and Google Play Music for daily motivation and inspiration to pursue your dreams.


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