$86,400 Per Day

Imagine this. Everyday, you wake up with the potential to have $86,400 deposited into your bank account at the end of the day. That’s one dollar for every second of the day.

Here’s the catch. Throughout the day, money is either subtracted or added to the deposit amount based on your actions. For every second you spend doing productive things that move you closer to creating the life you want, $1 is added to the deposit amount. For every second you spend taking no action to pursue creating the life you want, $1 is deducted from the deposit amount.

How much money would be deposited into your account at the end of every day?

Every second we spend in life either adds value or costs us something valuable.

Doing things like spending time with our families, exercising, or starting a business are all things that add value to our lives.

When we waste time complaining, procrastinating, or allowing fear to stop us from doing the things we dream of doing, it costs us dearly.

If the...

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