Imperfect IsĀ Perfect

In this day and age of social media and reality television, we do a lot of peering into other people’s lives and watching from afar. We compare ourselves to them, wonder why we can’t do what they do and we envy how easy they make life look.

They seem to have perfect lives. They live good, travel to the best places, wear the nicest clothes, have the best looking bodies, the perfect bae, and—most importantly—take the best pictures with lighting you could only dream of. 

So when it comes to your business, you waste your time trying to create the perfect circumstances before you put yourself out there to start sharing your gift with the world. You’ve convinced yourself that the only way people will buy from you or listen to you is if you are as perfect as some of the accounts you’ve been paying attention to.

That’s a whole lie.

The truth is, your conscious mind is serving up stall tactics on a silver platter—knowing that the...

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Why You Can't Shake the Desire to Pursue YourĀ Dreams

If you dream of starting a business, it’s likely that you’ve had that dream for a very long time. We tend to find all sorts of reasons to put off pursuing our dreams. Sometimes we try and fail so we stop there. Sometimes we convince ourselves that now is not the perfect time, as if such a thing exists. Even worse, many times we just use a combination of lame excuses.

When you have a dream you’d like to pursue, it usually ends up being something you never really stop thinking about. It occupies space in the back of your mind, and just when you think you’ve moved on with life, it pops back up and hijacks your thoughts. 

Even if you’ve put off pursuing that dream for years, you keep coming back to it as if it’s the ex you just can’t let go. It almost feels like something physically tugging at you or a supernatural force pulling you in its direction. The draw that keeps bringing you back to wanting to pursue that dream is something you...

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Maya Angelou and Destiny

I have a question for you.

Do you believe in destiny? Whether your answer is yes or no, I’d like to encourage you find the episode of Oprah’s Masterclass that features Maya Angelou and watch it.

I’ve watched this episode numerous times because it is so inspiring, and it reminds me not to worry. Dr. Angelou’s story is poetic, beautiful, and moving. It serves as a testament to the fact that as long as you are doing what you’re passionate about, greatness will follow.

At the age of 8, Maya Angelou was sexually abused by her mother’s boyfriend. When her uncles found out, they beat the man to death. That experience made her believe that her words were so powerful that they had killed a man, so at 8, she stopped talking—completely. How ironic that her words turned out to be so powerful that they gave life to the millions of people she affected with her writings and poetry.

For 5 years Maya Angelou didn’t utter a word. One of her teachers, at...

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