Why You Can't Shake the Desire to Pursue Your Dreams

If you dream of starting a business, it’s likely that you’ve had that dream for a very long time. We tend to find all sorts of reasons to put off pursuing our dreams. Sometimes we try and fail so we stop there. Sometimes we convince ourselves that now is not the perfect time, as if such a thing exists. Even worse, many times we just use a combination of lame excuses.

When you have a dream you’d like to pursue, it usually ends up being something you never really stop thinking about. It occupies space in the back of your mind, and just when you think you’ve moved on with life, it pops back up and hijacks your thoughts. 

Even if you’ve put off pursuing that dream for years, you keep coming back to it as if it’s the ex you just can’t let go. It almost feels like something physically tugging at you or a supernatural force pulling you in its direction. The draw that keeps bringing you back to wanting to pursue that dream is something you can’t quite explain. 

Well, there’s a reason you feel that way.

According to experts, our subconscious mind can communicate information to our body before that information actually reaches our conscious mind. In other words, your actions can be driven by your intuition without you actually realizing it.

Have you ever waited an extra long second at a stop sign or green light, only to narrowly miss being hit by someone barreling through the intersection? Have you ever had a strong intuition about a person or a situation that turned out to be right? You’ve certainly had moments in life where you, inexplicably, knew what would happen before it actually happened.

Your intuition communicated the information you needed in those situations — whether you listened or not. But what does intuition have to do with following your dreams (or putting them off)? 

If you have a dream you’d like to pursue, but you keep putting it off or ignoring its tug at you, you’re ignoring your subconscious or your intuition telling you exactly where to find your success. Your subconscious is communicating with your body, pulling you toward your dreams. When that communication reaches your conscious brain, all of the external influences that affect your conscious thoughts — past failures, fear, uncertainty, insecurities — cause you to dismiss the dream. 

If you had a strong intuition telling you to check on your child or to wait before stepping into a busy intersection, would you ignore it?

So why would you ignore your dream?

Your intuition is the most raw, authentic version of you. It knows you better than you even know yourself and it’s where your truest happiness resides. It’s the smartest part of you and I believe it’s the bridge between the supernatural and the natural. It’s the absolute closest we can ever get to knowing and controlling our own destiny. 

So instead of ignoring your intuition pulling you in the direction of your dreams, follow it and let it lead you to the person you are destined to be.

Feel free to find me on Instagram or Facebook and share your thoughts about intuition and destiny.

Listen to my Master Your Mission Podcast on iTunes, Spotify, and Google Play Music for daily motivation and inspiration to pursue your dreams.


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