Wakanda Wasn't Built In aĀ Day


You’ve been working hard, doing all the things you need to do for your business, but things just aren’t happening as fast as you’d like. Frustration sets in and the mental gymnastics of entrepreneurship begin. 

What you’re feeling is not unique to you. It’s actually common for entrepreneurs to feel that way. What’s not so common is the ability to ward off thoughts of caving in and the ability to stay focused on the end goal. 

Here, my friend, is where the rubber meets the road. This is just the introduction of the book you’re writing of your life, and you’re nowhere near the end.

So many entrepreneurs give up in this very spot. They come up with a business idea, start working toward their goals, and when they don’t see M’s in their bank account by week 2, they’re on to the next. Okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but not by much.

You’re not them though. You’re going to keep...

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There's Nothing Wrong with WantingĀ More

 Have you ever had a conversation with someone where you open up to them and share your big dreams or your lofty goals with them, only for them to hit you with a response like, “You should be thankful for your life. It could be worse” or “So many people have it worse than you do”? 

I can’t tell you how many times people have responded to me in that way. Now, I understand that there’s a difference between complaining about something and not being complacent about something. I’m not talking about complaining. I’m not a fan of complaining, so what I’m talking about is the way people react when you dream out loud and share your future plans with them. It’s as if some people, who are fine with their lives, want to make you feel bad for wanting more out of yours. 

Of course if I’m healthy, it could be worse and I could be unhealthy. Of course there’s someone out there struggling with their health who...

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What's the Difference Between Beyonce and the Rest of Us?

I’m like most guys my age. I’ve always thought Beyonce is great. She has an amazing voice, her talent is unmatched and she’s obviously perfect celebrity crush material. But I’ve never considered joining any Beyhives and I’ve only been to one of her concerts in my life—I was forced to take an ex-girlfriend about 10 years ago. I can’t say I understood the love drunk frenzy that I have witnessed overtake, otherwise normal, grown ass women when they go to her shows. Although I’ve always known in the back of my mind that she is one of the greats, I had never really processed just how much work it must take to be as great as she is until…

Until I saw her 2018 Coachella performance. I was absolutely captivated and couldn’t believe what I was watching. I have never ever ever seen any performer do what she did in that show. Every second of that 105 minute show, she performed at such an intense level that is was almost otherworldly....

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Maya Angelou and Destiny

I have a question for you.

Do you believe in destiny? Whether your answer is yes or no, I’d like to encourage you find the episode of Oprah’s Masterclass that features Maya Angelou and watch it.

I’ve watched this episode numerous times because it is so inspiring, and it reminds me not to worry. Dr. Angelou’s story is poetic, beautiful, and moving. It serves as a testament to the fact that as long as you are doing what you’re passionate about, greatness will follow.

At the age of 8, Maya Angelou was sexually abused by her mother’s boyfriend. When her uncles found out, they beat the man to death. That experience made her believe that her words were so powerful that they had killed a man, so at 8, she stopped talking—completely. How ironic that her words turned out to be so powerful that they gave life to the millions of people she affected with her writings and poetry.

For 5 years Maya Angelou didn’t utter a word. One of her teachers, at...

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