I've Been Holding Out in My Business & I'm Going to DoĀ Better

It’s time for a moment of self reflection. I want to start this article by apologizing to you. I’ve been holding out on you and this week, I realized just how much.

When I started my coaching business, I was kind of torn between whether I wanted to teach people how to actually start a business—like process steps—or be more of a motivational coach. I just knew that I wanted to share my passion and encourage more people to take the leap to become entrepreneurs.

We all know how much entrepreneurship can change entire communities for generations and generations. Plus, I personally know how depressing life can be when you work for someone else doing something you’re not passionate about with a dream of owning a business but aren’t sure how to make it happen.

So I thought encouraging people and teaching mindset related topics was enough. After this week, I realized it’s not. I’ve gotten such an amazing response to the webinar that I’m...

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The Guy Who Built 3 Houses That No OneĀ Wanted

I’m one of those people who can always come up with a business idea. It’s a blessing and a curse. It’s a blessing because, no matter what, I always know that if one thing doesn’t work for me, I’ll eventually think of something else. It’s a curse because that gift can make me easily distracted by every shiny object that catches my eye. 

When you’re in the beginning stages of choosing an idea to pursue for a business, but you have multiple ideas, it can be hard to choose just one idea to focus on. You want so badly to pick the best idea that will turn out to be wildly successful, so it’s tempting to chase them all. 

I don’t think that’s a very good plan. Let me tell you about the guy who built 3 houses that no one wanted to illustrate why.

There was a guy who decided to build a house by himself for the first time. He wanted to literally build the house with his own two hands and no contractors. His plan was build...

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Wakanda Wasn't Built In aĀ Day


You’ve been working hard, doing all the things you need to do for your business, but things just aren’t happening as fast as you’d like. Frustration sets in and the mental gymnastics of entrepreneurship begin. 

What you’re feeling is not unique to you. It’s actually common for entrepreneurs to feel that way. What’s not so common is the ability to ward off thoughts of caving in and the ability to stay focused on the end goal. 

Here, my friend, is where the rubber meets the road. This is just the introduction of the book you’re writing of your life, and you’re nowhere near the end.

So many entrepreneurs give up in this very spot. They come up with a business idea, start working toward their goals, and when they don’t see M’s in their bank account by week 2, they’re on to the next. Okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but not by much.

You’re not them though. You’re going to keep...

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