Should You Start a Podcast for Your Business? HellĀ Yes!

The short answer is, it yes!

In case you’ve been living under a rock, or you somehow accidentally stumbled across this article, you should first know what a podcast is.

Oberlo, defines a podcast as a recording of audio discussion on a specific topic, like business or travel, that can be listened to. They’re often found on audio streaming platforms like iTunes and Spotify, but they are sometimes hosted on websites.

Podcasts are becoming increasing popular, as the number of people who listen to podcasts grows year over year. In fact, 51% of the US population has listened to a podcast at least once. 

It’s really no wonder that podcasts are becoming more popular. As people continue to spend more and more time online, they look for convenient forms of entertainment that fit within their busy lifestyles. Podcasts fit that bill. Most people listen to podcasts right from their smartphones.

And there’s a podcast for every subject under the sun. According to ...

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Are You Creating Content For Your Business?

If you’re not creating content for your business, you should be. Content is still King!

Your content can help you:
Grow your audience
Build trust for your brand
Establish yourself as an expert.
And so much more.

Your content is every thing that you put out in the webosphere. If you aren’t putting any effort into your content, you are likely leaving money on the table. 

Producing great content is a really inexpensive way to grow your potential customer base because you don’t have to spend money to do it. Consider starting a podcast, writing a blog, and sharing your message on your social media.

Since we’re talking about content, I wanted to remind you of a past episode of my podcast that I did on 10 ways to come up with ideas for your content. Let’s recap.

Here are 10 ways to come up with ideas for creating your content.

  1. Ask social media. Reach out to people who follow you on social media. If you have a business page or a page that is dedicated to...
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