Can Your Desire to Succeed Also Make You Depressed?

Spend enough time on Instagram these days and you’ll certainly feel like you’re doing life wrong. Watching the lives of influencers, who only post perfection, can make anyone question why they get up and go to work every day if life can really be as easy as those influencers make it look.

Even though most of us know that what gets posted on social media is likely far from reality, we still like to gawk and stare at it because we dream of having that life someday—a life of perfect angles and only the highest quality natural lighting. We all have high hopes for ourselves; everyone wants to make it.

Being ambitious, or having a strong desire to achieve something and the determination to do the work to get it, is a great quality to have. I guess we’re all ambitious to some degree, but obviously some of us are more ambitious than others.

Being laser focused on achieving a goal is what I talk about a lot here, so I think it’s only right to ask this question....

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Makeup Is to Your Face What Life is to Your Brain

Let’s talk about makeup for a second. Makeup is usually used to enhance a person’s looks. Even if you know nothing about makeup, you’ve probably seen enough of those trending beauty videos on social media, to know that some people are really great at highlighting certain features of their face and minimizing others—all with makeup. 

Whether it’s for vanity, special fx, or any other reason, wearing makeup changes the way a person’s face appears in its natural state. That change could be a very subtle change or it could be one that’s extremely drastic.

Now, I don’t know very much about makeup—in fact, sometimes I can’t even tell when someone is wearing it—but I’m pretty sure I know one thing. Women who wear makeup usually wash it off their faces at the end of the day. 

If they didn’t wash it off, and instead left it on, woke up the next day and added a new layer of makeup to what’s left...

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You Are What You Eat - Mentally

Do you remember the 2004 documentary Super Size Me? To refresh your memory, an independent filmmaker by the name of Morgan Spurlock made a movie documenting his life as he ate McDonald’s three times a day for 30 days. 

If you just gagged, trust me, I understand why.

For that entire 30 day period, he ate only McDonald’s, and by the end of that 30 days, he had eaten everything on the menu at least once. I can’t help but to wonder if that includes the McRib—which really grosses me out, but I digress.

So by the end of the documentary, Spurlock had gained 24 lbs—remember this is over the course of only 30 days—and he had given himself high cholesterol, sexual dysfunction, mood swings, and he had accumulated fat on his liver. 

He consumed really unhealthy food and quickly became unhealthy physically. He had to put in some serious work and dedication to correct the damage that he had done to his body. 

It took him a year and two months,...

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