8 Sources for Free Stock Images for Your Business

One way of connecting with potential customers is through the images you use on your website and in your marketing.

All too often, I see entrepreneurs confused about why they aren't getting any sales when the images on their website have nothing to do with what they're trying to sell OR the people they're trying to sell to.

Just grabbing photos from Google won't do. Plus it could get you in trouble if you don't have legal permission to use the image.

Check out the sites on this list. They all offer free, high-quality stock images for commercial use.

That means, you can use them for your business for free depending on how you're using them (always read licensing requirements before use).

1. Unsplash.com

2. Pexels.com

3. Pixabay.com

4. Stocksnap.io

5. NegativeSpace.co

6. Gratisography.com

7. PicJumbo.com

8. KaboomPics.com

Use these resources to find images your audience will connect with and see themselves in. If you can't find anything here, get creative and take your own.


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6 Mistakes on Your Website That Might Cost You Sales & How to Fix Them


Making these 6 mistakes on your website can be costly for any entrepreneur. The great thing is, they're all fixable with fairly easy solutions.

#1 No Contact Info

When potential customers are wrestling back and forth with whether it's safe to purchase a product they want from your website, one way to put their minds at ease and prove to them you're a legit business, is to give them a way to contact you should something go wrong with their order.

Here's how you fix this problem:

  • Get a business email for your custom domain. In other words, instead of [email protected], get an email like [email protected]. You can do this easily through Google Suite for around $6/month.
  • Add a Contact Us page on your website with a form for people to fill out.
  • Add links to your social media on your website.
  • Add a Facebook Messenger chat option to your website.
  • Get a Google Voice number and list it on your website. You can get a business number for around $10/month.
  • ...
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3 Ways Your Website Can Make You Money No Matter What Your BusinessĀ Is


In yesterday’s episode of my podcast, Master Your Mission, I talked about the importance of having a website for your business. It doesn’t matter how small your business is or what industry your business is in, you need a website.

Many of the 36% of small business owners who don’t have a website think that their business is too small for one or that if they don’t sell anything online, they don’t need one. But I would argue that you should be using your website to make money, no matter what your core business is.

So to illustrate what I mean, I’m going to give you 3 ways your website can make you money no matter what business you’re in. 

Allow customers to book and pay for services on your website.

When a customer is looking to buy, you want to capture their attention and capture their money right away. When a potential customer comes across your website, why not give them the opportunity to book and pay for your service...

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It's 2019. Your Business Needs aĀ Website.

Okay, it’s 2019. Damn near 2020. Does your business have a website? If your answer is no, then why the hell not? It’s really unacceptable no matter what business you’re in.

As a customer, I can’t tell you how annoyed I get when I Google a business that I want to patronize and they don’t have a website. Sometimes that means that I don’t ever actually buy from that business, because I couldn’t do the research I needed to do prior to purchasing. 

Just think about how you shop. When you decide you want to buy something, what’s the first thing you do? When you hear about a product or business that you’re interested in for the first time, what’s the next step in your buying process? It’s very likely that you turn to the internet for more information.

Even if there’s no way you can actually sell anything online, and I’d probably argue that you can, you absolutely need to have an online presence. It...

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