10 Online Businesses You Can Start Today

Starting an online business is a great idea for aspiring entrepreneurs because online businesses can give you the ability to turn your passion into a money making business that allows you time flexibility and location independence. For many people, figuring out what kind of business you want to start can be difficult and confusing. 

To help you come up with ideas for your business, I created this list of ten online businesses you can start today:


Start an online freelance business. You can freelance doing just about anything. Freelancing just means that you sell your talents in the form of services. Your customers could be other businesses or private individuals. Some examples of businesses you can start as a freelancer are writing, editing, graphic design, logo design, and anything else you can think of. Great sites to use to list your services are Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer.

Web Developer

Learn how to code. There are a ton of free resources that teach...

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Setting Your Morning Routine for Success


About a year ago, I had a short stretch of time where I was super irritable in the afternoons and I couldn’t figure out why. Every day, as I drove to the gym, I’d experience a real sense of frustration and I couldn’t quite figure out where it was coming from. 

Yes, driving in Houston can be horribly frustrating, but this was different. My frustration every afternoon had become something that I had never experienced before. 

On top of that, I was feeling sluggish all day and I was horribly unproductive. No matter what time I went to bed at night—even if I took a nap, I’d still be tired. Because of this, I couldn’t focus and I wasn’t getting very much done most days.

I started to think through different possibilities of what could be causing me to feel this way and began to eliminate the things I thought it could be. I tried changing my diet, going the bed earlier, and a few other things, but none of that worked. 


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6 Ways Working Out Can Help You in Business

Most successful people have one thing in common—they work out. Tim Cook, Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg, and Barack Obama all work out regularly.

As cliche as it may seem, it’s true that health is wealth. Staying healthy is important for us all—for obvious reasons—but if you’re an entrepreneur, your health can mean the difference between a thriving business and a failing one. As a business owner, you need to avoid having to take excessive downtime due to preventable health issues, but being able to avoid sick days is not the only reason that getting in shape is good for business. 

Here are 6 ways working out can help you in business:


Working out motivates you to be better in all aspects of life. When you know that you are taking care of your body, you tend to want to take care of your mind and soul too. Caring for yourself—mind, body, and soul—usually means that you are willing to pursue the things in life that make...

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Eat, Sleep, and Sex Your Way to Success

How can you eat, sleep, and have sex to reach success (legally)?

As entrepreneurs, when we think and speak of success, we often define that success by what we accomplish in business. When really, the business is just the vehicle by which we get to where we ultimately want to go, which is self-fulfillment—reaching our full potential.

Self-fulfillment is the vision or final destination. It’s the state of being we dream of in order to keep going when things get so difficult that we consider giving up. 

To reach the level of self-fulfillment we seek, maybe it helps to understand what naturally motivates us at the most basic levels. Understanding basic human behavior may help us on our journey.

Enter, Abraham Maslow. 

Way back in 1943, a psychologist named Abraham Maslow theorized that human needs are ordered in a hierarchy of importance. As you progress through the levels of the hierarchy, you get closer to the highest level, which is self-actualization or what we...

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How to Set Goals & Crush Them

Let’s talk about goals.

If you’ve paid any attention to what I’ve been telling you over the last few weeks, you know that one of the things I consistently encourage is goal setting. If you want to change something in your life, you need to set a goal to do it first.


Well, if you don’t know where you are going, how will you know how to get there? Setting a goal is like creating a road map to the destination in which you want to go.

Believe it or not, there’s a science to setting goals effectively and putting yourself in the best possible position to actually achieve those goals. (Hopefully, you’re not setting goals just for the sake of setting goals.)

I bet you can guess what’s going to happen next.

Yep, I’m going to tell you how to effectively set goals, then crush them.

First, a little history. In 1981, a guy named George Doran wrote a paper that appeared in Management Review called, There’s a S.M.A.R.T. way to write...

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The Billionaire Who Failed 5,126 Times

If you failed at accomplishing your dreams 100 times, would you keep trying? What about 1,000 times? If you failed 5,126 times, would you ever try again?

James Dyson, founder and CEO of Dyson—you know, the company with the cool vacuum cleaners—did just that. He failed 5,126 times to create a prototype for his G-Force vacuum cleaner. It was on the 5,127th time that he succeeded. Even after he successfully created his prototype, he was rejected by every manufacturer and distributor in the UK, because they didn’t want his bagless design. He ended up launching his vacuum cleaner in Japan.

It took him 15 years and almost his entire savings to develop his innovative vacuum cleaner, which is the best selling vacuum cleaner in the US (and he’s a billionaire).

He’s quoted as saying that each of the 5,126 failures taught him something new that led to his success.

After reading that story, would you try one more time now? If you’re allowing past failures to...

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