Next Time, Stick to TheĀ Script

There was a girl in college who was a Theater major. She had a huge personality so it was befitting that she would study the art of acting, and everyone that knew her just knew that someday she would be a huge star. 

She was extremely popular on campus—it seemed like she knew everybody, and no one ever had anything bad to say about her. She seemed to be a favorite among students and faculty at school.

So every year at this school, there was this big production of a different play. This particular year, the girl wanted to try out for the lead role. She told any and everyone who would listen that the lead role would be hers that year. 

Every day, like clockwork, she could be seen on the yard, putting on a show to whoever happened to be with her at the moment. Any time someone struck up a conversation with her, it was as if she couldn’t talk about anything else but that play and how much she was committed to landing that role. 

So like I said, this...

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