Clarity on Clarity onĀ Clarity


I’ve shared a few stories about running a dropshipping business that allowed me to stay hidden in the background and never take the “risk” of putting myself on display for the world to see. I’ve talked about how my focus with that business was solely to make money—which should be the focus of every business—but I didn’t choose to start it based on any particular passion or interest that I had, other than the desire to have an ecommerce business.

I always had a nagging feeling, though, that I should be and could be doing more. I felt like there was something deeper within me that I could be doing to help other people, and that’s when I decided to start my current business helping to motivate other people to follow their dreams. It’s something that I’m actually passionate about, it allows me to authentically share my gifts with the world, and it allows me to do something that could help other people change their...

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