What Have You Been Doing for the Last 2 Months?


You’ve heard me talk a lot about how it takes 66 days to create a habit. So, I have a question, and I want you to really think about this. What have you been doing consistently for the last two months? Is it something that would create good habits or bad habits? Would you be proud to tell someone that you’ve been doing it?

Have you been sitting on the couch, watching TV every evening after work? Have you been writing articles for your blog? Have you been creating products for your business? Have you been avoiding doing something that you really need to do for your business?

Whatever you’ve been doing consistently for the last 66 days has likely become something that you do without even thinking about it. In other words, you’ve formed a habit. 

If you’ve inadvertently formed a bad habit, it’s not too late to break that and replace it with a good habit. You can make your mind up, right now, that you’ll create a good habit by...

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One Bold Action Per Day Update

If you listen to my Master Your Mission podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or Google Play Music (yes, that was a shameless plug), then you might remember that back on February 21, I committed to taking one bold action per day for 66 days.

My goal is to make taking bold actions a habit in my life or second nature. Just so you know, I defined a bold action as one that a) moves me out of my comfort zone and closer to my goals and b) defies an irrational fear that I’ve allowed to hold me back in the past.

I also challenged you to take one bold action per day toward something that you want in life.

So I made it to the 2 week mark, taking (at least) one bold action per day and I wanted to update you on how things have gone.

For the last 17 days, I’ve recorded an episode of my podcast every single day—something I was horrified to do just two weeks ago. I’ve also been posting informative videos to my Instagram account (another thing I was afraid of doing).

I’ve grown...

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