Are You Reeeally Doing Your Best? Reeeally?

When you have goals in life and you’re the take action type, you decide what you want, you roll up your sleeves, then you go out and do the work to get what you want. In doing so, you may have had to get over fears, push through procrastination, and make due with the bare minimum, but when you’re determined, you ain’t letting nothing stop you.

That’s what it’s all about!

When you’re head down, in the trenches going for what you know, sometimes you can have such tunnel vision that you never look up to see whether you’re actually making progress. It’s possible and very likely that you’ll push past your initial fears, take action, and then—at various points in your process—get complacent with that level of action. You can get so comfortable that you never push yourself any further beyond that point. 

That, my friend, is called a plateau. We do what’s necessary to start, we go hard for a while, see growth...

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