No One is Coming to Save You


Have you ever known someone who’s extremely smart and so talented that they can literally do anything—so much so that you secretly kinda hate them sometimes because they’re just so damn good at everything they do—but they seem to be letting all that talent go to waste? They desperately want to but aren’t pursuing their passions and sharing their gifts, because they seem to be waiting on someone to do it for them or for something great to fall in their lap. They’re miserable where they are but they’re stuck and won’t make a move.

I know people like this. Hell, this used to be me. Then one day I realized that no one and nothing was coming to save me. No religious belief, no long lost rich uncle (turns out, I don’t even have one), no talent agent—no one.

Maybe that person you know is you. Let’s get really honest right now, because being brutally honest is really the only way out of your misery. What are you...

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