No One is Coming to Save You


Have you ever known someone who’s extremely smart and so talented that they can literally do anything — so much so that you secretly kinda hate them sometimes because they’re just so damn good at everything they do — but they seem to be letting all that talent go to waste? They desperately want to but aren’t pursuing their passions and sharing their gifts, because they seem to be waiting on someone to do it for them or for something great to fall in their lap. They’re miserable where they are but they’re stuck and won’t make a move.

I know people like this. Hell, this used to be me. Then one day I realized that no one and nothing was coming to save me. No religious belief, no long lost rich uncle (turns out, I don’t even have one), no talent agent — no one.

Maybe that person you know is you. Let’s get really honest right now, because being brutally honest is really the only way out of your misery. What are you doing to get yourself from where you are now to where you want to be?

If you’re actually doing tangible things that are inching you toward your goal, awesome! Hats off to you; you should keep going.

If you aren’t, you need to hear this…

No one is coming to save you. 


It may be a hard pill to swallow, but you need to understand that you are solely responsible for your own success. Chances are, you don’t have a long lost rich uncle either. And it’s not 1993, so it’s not likely that you’ll be discovered by a famous music producer as you walk through the mall.

What you need to come to grips with is that there is no magic shortcut to the life you dream of. No one is going to give you a magic box full of success and you won’t ride off into the sunset in your free drop-top Lamborghini. 

The only thing you can do is take action. You must do the grueling, hard work that it will take to get you to where you want to be. 

If you think it’s impossible, you’re right. It is. 

But think about all the successful people you’ve ever heard of. Do you really think they are that much smarter than you? Do you really think they are that much more talented than you? Do you really think that they somehow got the secret that you did get, or that they’re just lucky and you’re not?

Let me ask you this. If you saw a crowd of people gathered around a fountain, throwing pennies in it, making a wish, and that wish literally coming true right before your eyes, would you toss in your penny and make a wish too? Would you believe that what they did to make their dreams come true would also work for you? 

So why wouldn’t you believe that what successful people do will also work for you too?

The great news for you and I is that we have proof that believing in ourselves, taking action, working hard toward our dreams and never giving up actually leads to success because so many other people have already done it. Those people didn’t wait on someone to give them what they got. Sure, some people are handed a better deck of cards than others, but life ain’t fair.

The work you have to do will be hard. It will be emotional. You’ll want to quit more than once. You might cry every now and then. But think about how great it will feel to look back at the days you thought it was impossible and laugh. Think about how great it will feel to look at your bank account and know that you don’t have to struggle any more. Think about how great it will feel to catch a flight to another country without having to ask someone for approval to take off work. 

You’re too good not to share your gifts.

So take action every day with vigor and determination, knowing that you absolutely can and must succeed because no one, and I mean no one, is coming to save you.


If this article helped you, feel free to hit me up on Instagram or Facebook and let me know.

Also, listen to my Master Your Mission podcast on iTunes, Spotify, and Google Play Music for daily motivation and inspiration to pursue your dreams.


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