How to Find a Problem to Solve Within a Niche so You Have a Winning Product

For help starting your online business selling physical products without ever buying inventory or selling digital products, click here.

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You Can Make a Lot of Money Online If You Sell a Product Like This 💵


Earlier this week, I gave you 7 Non-Negotiable Things Your Product Needs In Order to Make $10k+ Per Month.

One of those 7 things was a niche people are passionate about.

If you're stuck on this step or struggling to sell what you already have, the information I'm about to give you might be eye-opening for you.

The niches people are truly passionate about usually fall into 4 categories.

These 4 categories are where you should focus on finding a niche and a product because this is where it's easiest to convince people to spend their hard earned money.

#1 Health

  • Examples: Weight loss, skincare, mental health, healing disease

#2 Wealth

  • Examples: Budgeting, starting a new career, credit building, entrepreneurship

#3 Relationships

  • Examples: Falling in love, having kids, getting a pet, making new friends, identities

#4 Hobbies

  • Examples: Traveling, fishing/hunting, gaming, shopping

Now that you've seen the 4 categories, doesn't it make perfect sense?

If you're looking...

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7 Non-Negotiable Things Your Product Needs to Reach $10K Sales Months

For help starting your online business selling physical products without ever buying inventory or selling digital products, click here.

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How to Tell Whether The Product You Want to Sell Online is Treasure or Trash

Running an online business is a lot of fun, but one of the more daunting tasks of running your business is choosing products that will sell.

This article will save you a lot of trouble. In it, I'm gonna give you a couple of key tips on how to validate your idea BEFORE you start spending your money and time buying logos, building your website, setting up social media accounts, buying inventory, running ads or anything else you need to do for your business, only to find out that you picked a product that happens to be trash.

Nobody wants that.

Keen in mind, these tips are useful whether you're working toward starting your online business or already running your online business.

So let's get into it...

Tip #1 is to use Google Trends to validate demand. Google Trends is a free tool you can use to look at the search trends of keywords in Google. Enter a keyword and Google Trends will give you data on how much that keyword has...

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