You Can Make a Lot of Money Online If You Sell a Product Like This 💵
Feb 24, 2022Earlier this week, I gave you 7 Non-Negotiable Things Your Product Needs In Order to Make $10k+ Per Month.
One of those 7 things was a niche people are passionate about.
If you're stuck on this step or struggling to sell what you already have, the information I'm about to give you might be eye-opening for you.
The niches people are truly passionate about usually fall into 4 categories.
These 4 categories are where you should focus on finding a niche and a product because this is where it's easiest to convince people to spend their hard earned money.
#1 Health
- Examples: Weight loss, skincare, mental health, healing disease
#2 Wealth
- Examples: Budgeting, starting a new career, credit building, entrepreneurship
#3 Relationships
- Examples: Falling in love, having kids, getting a pet, making new friends, identities
#4 Hobbies
- Examples: Traveling, fishing/hunting, gaming, shopping
Now that you've seen the 4 categories, doesn't it make perfect sense?
If you're looking for product ideas, look for something that fits into one or more of these categories and you'll have a much easier time selling it.
If you already have a product, take a moment to identify which category your product falls into. This will help you better communicate exactly how your product benefits potential customers and therefore, help you sell more.
Got it?
For help starting your online business selling a physical product with no inventory or selling a digital product, click here.