The Art of the Imperfect Start


If you’ve been putting off your dream of becoming an entrepreneur, you should stop putting it off and start your business now. Why? Well, tomorrow isn’t promised and the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll get to where ever it is you want to go. 

Procrastinating on your dream is not the move. The problem with procrastination is that it leads to more procrastination. In fact, it leads to endless procrastination. We convince ourselves that we’re not good enough as we are and that we need something else in order to be successful. Unsurprisingly, we never actually acquire that something else. 

When you’re lacking things like large budgets, a ton of expertise, and an audience with money in hand, what do you do? How do you start your business in spite of imperfect conditions?

You master the art of the imperfect start. Here’s how:

  1. Give yourself permission.

The first thing you need to do is allow yourself to believe in your ability...

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