Your Entrepreneur Zodiac


If you’re into astrology at all, you might check your horoscope daily, or compare zodiac compatibility when you meet a new bae. But have you ever considered what your zodiac sign says about you as an entrepreneur?

I put together this summary of what I think each zodiac sign’s characteristics might say about them as an entrepreneur. 

The good news is that I’m a Capricorn and according to the internet, Capricorns are the most successful sign in the world. Okay…I made that up, but Jeff Bezos is a Capricorn and he represents us Capricorns very well in business.

What do you think your signs strengths and weaknesses in business would be? Let’s run down the list and see if you’re right.

Aquarius (January 20—February 18)

Aquarius entrepreneurs come up with great business ideas because they can see opportunities to solve problems that most others don’t see. They tend to be on the shy side, so the idea of doing a lot of face to...

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5 Reasons You Should NOT Start a Business

Usually, I’m shouting from the rooftops that you should start a business, and I truly believe that entrepreneurship is the key to happiness for some people—but not everyone. I know that some people aren’t cut out for entrepreneurship or just simply aren’t interested. 

It can be an emotional roller coaster, it can be stressful, it can be one of the toughest things you’ve ever done in your life, but it can also be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made. How would you know though?

If you’re thinking about starting a business, you may be wrestling with whether it’s a good idea for you. To help you out, I made a list of reasons you shouldn’t start a business. 

You’ll have to make tough decisions.

You’re the business owner which makes you the boss. It’s pretty likely that you’re going to be the only person working for your company in the beginning. No one but you will be able to make the hard...

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