Your Entrepreneur Zodiac


If you’re into astrology at all, you might check your horoscope daily, or compare zodiac compatibility when you meet a new bae. But have you ever considered what your zodiac sign says about you as an entrepreneur?

I put together this summary of what I think each zodiac sign’s characteristics might say about them as an entrepreneur. 

The good news is that I’m a Capricorn and according to the internet, Capricorns are the most successful sign in the world. Okay…I made that up, but Jeff Bezos is a Capricorn and he represents us Capricorns very well in business.

What do you think your signs strengths and weaknesses in business would be? Let’s run down the list and see if you’re right.

Aquarius (January 20 — February 18)

Aquarius entrepreneurs come up with great business ideas because they can see opportunities to solve problems that most others don’t see. They tend to be on the shy side, so the idea of doing a lot of face to face talking or putting themselves out there as the face of their business takes some getting used to. Aquarius entrepreneurs are deep thinkers so the best business for them is something that stimulates them mentally. The unwillingness to comprise can be both a blessing and a curse for Aquarius entrepreneurs, and sometimes their tempers can make them hard to work with.

Pisces (February 19 — March 20)

Pisces do great in businesses that require person to person interaction. They’re usually great at letting their intuition guide them in business. Businesses that involve helping other people, in one way or another, are right up a Pisces’ alley. Pisces entrepreneurs have to watch allowing their fears to hold them back and dreaming so big that they become detached from reality.

Aries (March 21 — April 19)

Aries entrepreneurs have a confidence that can get them through any door. They take action first and think about it later. Aries entrepreneurs have the determination to succeed and an optimism that keeps them motivated. The lack of patience Aries entrepreneurs can sometimes display can work to their detriment when combined with their impulsive nature.

Taurus (April 20 — May 20)

Taurus entrepreneurs are extremely committed to seeing things through. Making money is easy for them because they are practical and rather risk averse. A steady, slow pace is the route Taurus founders will usually choose. Once a Taurus entrepreneur’s mind is made up, it can be hard to change it, so like Aquarius, their unwillingness to compromise can good and bad.

Geminis (May 21 — June 20)

Geminis entrepreneurs are great at businesses that involve interacting with other people. They are great at coming up with ideas for businesses, products, and solutions to problems. Gemini owners like facing something new often so when the business gets too routine, they tend to want to switch things up. Consistency is hard for Gemini entrepreneurs, so finding the balance between routine and newness is a must.

Cancers (June 21— July 22)

Family related businesses are a Cancer entrepreneurs dream. Cancers get emotionally attached to causes they are sympathetic to, so businesses that help other people can be a great match for them. Cancer business owners have a tendency to see the glass half empty, so staying motivated is important to keep them out of their heads.

Leo (July 23 — August 22)

Leo business owners are great at leading their team to success. Their confidence and dominance makes them natural bosses and very persuasive. Generosity and passion makes them extremely influential in their own business and in their business community. Leo bosses can get too caught up in their own wants and needs, which can make them hard to work for at times.

Virgo (August 23 — September 22)

Virgo entrepreneurs are methodical and practical. Every single detail is important to them, so sloppiness and shoddy work are not an issue for them. Virgos will work their fingers to the bone and then work some more. Virgo bosses can be really hard on themselves as they criticize every single thing they do.

Libra (September 23 — October 22)

Libra entrepreneurs make great business partners. The balance of working with someone is a Libra’s strong suit. They are fair in negotiations and as employers, and it’s important to them that they operate with integrity. A Libra entrepreneur’s desire to avoid confrontation can sometimes cause them to get taken advantage of.

Scorpio (October 23 — November 21)

Scorpio entrepreneurs are great decision makers, which makes them great leaders. They’re determined to succeed so giving up is not something that often happens with them. Scropio owners are extremely passionate about their businesses so it’s easy for them to stay committed. Scorpio entrepreneurs have a hard time trusting people, so sometimes that can cause a strain on business relationships.

Sagittarius (November 22 — December 21)

Sagittarius business owners are great at staying motivated due to their optimistic nature. Finding purpose in their business is important for them and they don’t mind giving back to their communities. They are extremely committed to their own success and will do almost anything to succeed. Sagittarius entrepreneurs want to succeed as quickly as possible so they have to watch over promising on what their product or service can deliver.

Capricorns (December 22 — January 19)

Capricorns entrepreneurs are serious planners. They’re hardworking, focused, and typically not at all procrastinators. They are laser focused and usually make great leaders due to their serious nature. Self control is an art for a Capricorn boss and they don’t have a problem learning from their mistakes. Capricorn entrepreneurs have to watch allowing pessimism to slow them down. Their delivery and detached tone can also make them come off as condescending when interacting with others.

So what did you think about your Entrepreneurial Zodiac? Was yours accurate? Find me on Instagram or Facebook and let me know.

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Also, visit my website to check out the courses and training programs I offer and to listen to my podcast, Master Your Mission, for daily motivation and inspiration to pursue your dreams.


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