The Pain of Growth - 5 Tips to Get Through It


Have you ever wondered why we experience pain? Not physical pain but emotional pain.

If you really think about it, some of the most painful moments in your life have probably happened when you decided to make a difficult change that you perceived to be for the better — in other words, when you decided to seek growth. The pain we experience, in these instances, could be as simple as the discomfort of taking on the unknown or as deep as the agony of heartbreak. 

In any case, it’s difficult to sit in the pain and allow it to take its course. Like accidentally touching a hot burner on a stove, your natural reaction is to retreat out of the pain back to the safety of the what is familiar and comfortable, but then you don't grow.

When we get accustomed to situations, ideas, and people that once may have served us but no longer do, it can be hard to let go — even when we’ve grown unhappy with it or them. As purpose-driven entrepreneurs, we have to seek out our own growth so that we are able to contribute abundantly to those we wish to serve.

Here are 5 tips to help you get through the pain of growth and to come out on the other side a better person:

  1. Remember other painful experiences that led to your growth.

I’m sure that you can think of several experiences in your life that you found to be painful but led to your growth. Remind yourself of what happened in those instances and reflect on all the good things that came from the growth you experienced. 

2. Think about why you need this growth in the first place.

It’s really beneficial to think about why you need to growth in the first place. It could be that you’re unhappy in your career and ready to make a change or unhappy in a relationship that you’re ready to leave. Whatever the reason, keep it at the forefront of your mind and use it as motivation to stay committed to getting through the pain.

3. Look forward to what life will be like after the pain.

Visualize what your life will be like once the pain has subsided. Your growth should be something you greatly look forward to. Think about the value that it will add to your life and how much your life will improve. 

4. With every day that passes, reflect on something special about that day.

Every day that you experience the pain of growth, reflect on something special about that day. Did you learn anything about yourself? Did you have any exceptional experiences that were enlightening? Reflect and carry those moments with you throughout the experience.

5. Find other things in your life to celebrate.

Although you may be seeking growth in one aspect of life, there are certain to be other aspects of life that you are thriving in and can celebrate. Instead of focusing on the pain of your growth, focus on those things in your life that you’re already happy with. 

Yes, growth can be painful, but growth is necessary in order to live a life of purpose. Stay committed to what you know is best for you — even if it hurts at first. The pain you experience as you grow is only temporary but the strides you’ll make will last forever. 

If this article helped you, feel free to hit me up on Instagram or Facebook and let me know.

Also, listen to my Master Your Mission podcast on iTunes, Spotify, and Google Play Music for daily motivation and inspiration to pursue your dreams.


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