One Bold Action Per Day Finale
Apr 29, 2019Today is a day of celebration for me. It’s almost hard to believe that, exactly 66 days ago, I decided that I would face down my fears and do the things that horrified me to do but that I knew would help me as an entrepreneur.
Almost 10 weeks ago, I decided that I would challenge myself to take one bold action per day for 66 days. To qualify as a bold action, it had to be something that I was uncomfortable doing, moved me closer to my goals, and defied an irrational fear that I’ve allowed to hold me back in the past.
So I decided to start a podcast. My plan was to record an episode of the podcast every day for 66 days, with the hope that maybe I could get over my fear of putting myself out there, front and center, as the face of my business. In addition to hosting my podcast, I wanted to push myself even further by sharing my message on Instagram and Facebook. I chose 66 days after researching how habits are formed. I wanted to make taking bold action a habit in my life and business.
Btw, if you’re interested in hearing previous updates, check out my podcast, Master Your Mission, on iTunes, Spotify, or Google Play to get caught up.
It’s important to me that I lead by example and show other people that taking action is not as scary as it looks and that it’s okay to start imperfectly, right where you are today. You don’t need fancy equipment or hundreds of thousands of dollars to start. You just need the will to find a way.
Like forming any new habit (taking action) by breaking old ones (procrastinating), the first few weeks were tough. There were so many times that I thought about giving up, because I thought, maybe no one would notice that I stopped, when really, the most important person in all of this was me. I’ve learned so much in this short two months.
To keep this fairly short, here’s a list of things I learned about myself:
- I’m much more capable than I previously gave myself credit for.
- I thought I wouldn’t be able to come up with content every day. Most of the time, it just spilled out of me once I started writing.
- People actually do want to hear what I have to say because many of us share the same hopes and fears.
- I’m no longer afraid to allow myself to be an authority.
- Doing the work is where the magic happens.
- Positivity is a choice.
- Having the right mindset is often the difference between winning and losing.
- Having the right mindset takes the right tools and putting forth the effort to use them.
- People will always have something to say, and that’s okay. You have to ignore them and keep going.
- One bold action leads to another then another then another. Before long, it affects your entire life.
- When you are unafraid and bold in one aspect of life, it’s easier to transfer that courage to other aspects of life.
- There’s strength and honor in failing.
- I’m so much better because of this experience.
- I’m more clear about who I am and what I am doing in this chapter of my life.
- I want to take more bold actions!
This experience has really transformed me. I’m much more aware of my thoughts, my desires, and what actions I take that get me to where I want to be. I’ve created tools to help me get through this challenge that I will continue to use in my every day life.
I’ll definitely continue to record my podcast, because I really enjoy doing it, and I have more bold actions in the works right now. Turns out the things that frighten me, aren’t as scary as they look.
I’ll continue sharing my message with the hope that I am inspiring other people to do whatever it is they want to do in their lives. I’ve even created the 66 Days of Bold Action Transformation Program to show others exactly what I did and how I did it so that they can begin to take bold action and change their lives too.
If you’re interested, join me. I’d love to show you what I’ve learned and how you can implement the same tools into your life. I even created a journal that will help you stay motivated and plan your daily actions. You can download it absolutely free here.
So if you’re sitting on the sidelines, wanting to start a business, share your gifts, or do anything else in life that you’ve been procrastinating to do, use me as an example of how quickly doing the work can actually manifest change. I can assure you, this is a challenge you won’t regret!
If this article helped you, feel free to hit me up on Instagram or Facebook and let me know.
Also, listen to my Master Your Mission podcast on iTunes, Spotify, and Google Play Music for daily motivation and inspiration to pursue your dreams.