How to Do What You're Passionate About Every Day

Do you do whatever you’re passionate about every dayโ€Š—โ€Šfor work or in your free time? If your answer is “no”, you’re not alone. Actually, you would be in the majority of people.

As far as careers go, most people aren’t very passionate about their jobs. In fact, a 2017 study by Deloite found that only 13% of people in the US workforce are passionate about what they do for a living.

If you could be doing absolutely anything you want to do every day, without regard for money, what would it be? Wouldn’t doing that make life so much more exciting?

I’m a very firm believer in finding a way to do what you’re passionate about every day. Life is too short to spend the majority of our time doing things we don’t want to do day in and day out, never taking the time to find ways to do what we love to do.

I know that everyone won’t be able to find a way to make money through their passion, and some people are okay with that. Whether you want to make a career out of it or not, I want to share a few ways you can make doing what you’re passionate about an every day thing in your life.

Find a way to serve people through it.

You can never go wrong helping people. And it’s even better when you can help people through whatever you’re passionate about. Starting a non-profit or even a for profit business that, in some way, makes life better for other people is a great way to do what you’re passionate about.

Create a product related to it.

Coming up with a product related to your passion is probably a lot easier than you think. You really don’t have to reinvent the wheel to do this. Take some time to do some research on whatever it is you’re passionate about. There are probably already tons of products related to that topic that you could go into business selling. 

Do it as a hobby.

Like I said before, some people don’t feel the need to make a career out of their passion. Just because you aren’t miserable with your day job doesn’t mean you can’t do what your passionate about in your free time. It’s still important to make time to do what you love, so if you’re fine with your current career, carve time out of your schedule to do what you’re passionate about as a hobby.

Talk about it.

A great way of doing what you’re passionate about is to talk about your passion. You could start a podcast like I did, a vlog or a blog. You could even speak about it at live speaking engagements. All of those options cost either nothing or next to nothing to get started, and you get to spend time telling people about something you already love to talk about.

Teach people about it.

Teaching people your passion can be a really lucrative move. Online learning is the wave and people take digital courses to learn just about anything. Whether you’re passionate about model planes, beauty, or cars, you can teach people something about your passion online. Of course, you could also teach people in-person, so there’s really no limit to what you could do when it comes to teaching people about your passion.

If you’ve ever wondered how on earth you could do what you’re passionate about every day, I just made it much easier for you. Do a little Googling around for inspiration, and find a way to make your passion a priority in your life. It’ll make life much more exciting for you!

You can start taking those steps by joining the 66 Days of Bold Action Challenge. In the Challenge you’ll be taking bold action toward your goals with a great support system that helps you stay positive and motivated. Click the link below to join!

Do you know someone who needs to join the 66 Days of Bold Action Challenge or who would enjoy this article? If so, please share it with them, and listen to my podcast, Master Your Mission, for daily motivation and inspiration to pursue your dreams.


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