The Best Online Business to Start in 2019

How many times have you gone to the internet to find instructions on how to do something you didn’t know how to do? Probably hundreds and maybe even thousands of times, right? We all do it. Most of us have also taken a training course online or purchased an information product like an ebook.

The information products business is booming. Information products are digital products created from your own knowledge or experience. They include courses, ebooks, how-to guides, consulting, books, seminars, retreats, membership sites and so much more. They are really anything that provides information.

Starting a new business or expanding your existing business by selling information products is such a great business because it doesn’t require you to purchase or handle physical products, making the cost of getting started low and profit margins high. You create a course—which can literally cost you nothing to make—and you sell it over and over and over to people all...

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