Mindset Warfare: The Entrepreneur's Battlefield

 I talk about protecting your energy and choosing positivity, as an entrepreneur, because the struggle of starting and running a business can be mental warfare. When things aren’t going your way or when things aren’t moving as fast as you would like them to, it can be hard to stay motivated. 

Limiting beliefs attack at the worst possible time, causing self doubt, loss of focus, and a lack of desire. You can end up letting your mind go down a negativity wormhole and before you know it, you’re binge watching Game of Thrones on the couch and haven’t taken action in days. This is where dreams go to die. 

If the #1 reason businesses fail is due to the lack of capital, then the #2 reason has to be due to the lack of the right mindset. It’s of supreme importance that you’re mentally prepared to get through the times that you will most certainly want to quit. 

If you’ve started businesses and failed in the past, this message may resonate with you even more because you can probably admit that, when things didn’t blow up by week #2, you gave up. Your mindset was not prepared for the battle. 

This is a great time to remind you of my Theory of Winitivy (yes, “winitivity”). All great winners have the same formula for success — whether they’re great athletes, great entrepreneurs, great performers or great anything else. The formula they use to win is:

Mindset +Preparation+Work=Reward

Using that theory, if you don’t have the right mindset, you can never get the reward. 

One way to build up your warrior mindset and prepare for entrepreneurial battle, is to counter your limiting beliefs with daily affirmations. It may be cliche at this point, but — trust me — it works. A moment of honesty here. I have always considered myself a realist — meaning, I don’t see things from a sugar coated, sparkly lens. Today, I realize that — for much of my adult life — I allowed my own limiting beliefs to drive my thoughts and actions to always be pessimistic and skeptical. The way I countered that and began to control my thoughts, was by writing daily affirmations and actively being aware of the thoughts I allowed to parlay in my brain.

So because I am an actual witness to what writing affirmations every day can do to build up your mental strength, I want to encourage you to incorporate them into your daily routine. In case writing affirmations is awkward for you or you’ve never done it before, here are a few to help you get started.

Pro tip: Read these affirmations aloud, with intention and certainty that each applies to you.

I am smart and capable of accomplishing anything I can dream of.

I am worthy of living a life of happiness and abundance.

The universe has already provided everything I need to be successful.

I’m wealthy and I make money easily.

I have confidence in my ability to meet and exceed the expectations of my audience. 

I hold myself accountable for my actions and operate with a high level of integrity.

I am devoted to creating the life that I want and living life with intention.

I am aware of my gifts and capable of sharing them with the world. 

I add value to every space I enter.

My talents are valuable and unique to me.

I can do anything!

If you thought of yourself as you read those, you probably feel even better than you did before you read them. The power of affirmations is real, because the power of the mind is real. Do the work to prepare your mindset for the battle that you’ll face as an entrepreneur. It’s the first vital element necessary in the formula for success. 


If this article helped you, feel free to hit me up on Instagram or Facebook and let me know.

Also, listen to my Master Your Mission podcast on iTunes, Spotify, and Google Play Music for daily motivation and inspiration to pursue your dreams.


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