The Chain Effect That Can Change The World

Uncategorized Mar 09, 2019

I've been really inspired this week because several people have reached out to me to tell me how much they've been inspired by me sharing my journey and my gifts on my Master Your Mission podcast and on Instagram.

First of all, I truly appreciate the feedback. It reminds me that what I'm doing is bigger than me or any amount of money that I could ever hope to make. 

Getting your messages of support this week really made me think about the chain effect that occurs when we share our gifts with others. I share with you and you become inspired to share which, in turn, inspires someone else, and they share and inspire someone else, and the chain goes on and on and on. And just like that, we've affected the world. 

So even if your dream is not to have a podcast or to write a book or to teach a course, please continue to be inspired and share your gifts with the world. Someone is watching you and you'll inspire them enough to go out and be an inspiration to others. 

Again, thank you for sharing your messages with me, and I hope to continue to do my part in this chain we have going that will someday change the world.


P.S. You can still sign up for my Knowledge on Fire! Masterclass and learn how to start sharing what you're passionate about with the world.


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