Do You Have Billionaire Vision?

Remember how the King of Ecommerce and owner of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, started his company? If not, here’s the quick version — in 1994, he started the company by selling books online from his garage.

If you had more than 2 teeth in 1994, you remember that most people had pagers — not computers. The average person didn’t have a cell phone — there was no such thing as a smart phone, and shopping online wasn’t really a thing yet. But Jeff Bezos saw the potential power in the internet and started his company with that power in mind. Amazon grew very rapidly and today Jeff is the richest man in the world, with somewhere around $140 Billion in net worth.

It’s said that, back in 1994, Jeff knew he wanted to expand his product offering beyond just books. He wanted to offer a wide range of products someday. Jeff had the most important key to his astronomical success. He had a vision.

He is the perfect example of why a well thought out, clearly defined vision is so important for entrepreneurs like you and me. If we don’t know where we are going, how will we ever get there? If Jeff Bezos hadn’t had his vision, would Amazon exist today?

Take some time today to define your vision for your business. Be specific and plan big. Think of Jeff Bezos as you define your vision and clearly voice what you want your company to look like in the future. Once you have your vision defined, you can begin to set goals based on your vision. With your entrepreneurial GPS now turned on, your journey will be filled with much fewer potholes and detours.

See you at success!

P.S. If you’d like to hear more about this subject, check out Episode 12 of my Master Your Mission Podcast on iTunesSpotifySoundcloud and Google Podcasts.


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