The Ability to Achieve Success - Born With It or Nah?

You’re probably reading this article because you’re interested in self-improvement or because you are on your own personal mission to achieve some sort of success. As I’ve stated many times in previous articles and on my podcast, Master Your Mission, mindset is—in my opinion—the most important factor to your success.

But will you ever actually be able to achieve success? What you believe about your own ability to succeed may be your answer.

Enter Carol Dweck, Professor of Psychology at Stanford University.

In her 2006 book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, she wrote that people are on a continuum based on their beliefs about where their ability to succeed comes from. Some people believe that success is innate. Those people have what she called a fixed mindset. Other people believe that success is based on hard work, learning, and their persistence. According to Dweck, those people have a growth mindset.

She concluded that, although people may...

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