The Butterfly Effect On Your Life

Have you ever heard of the butterfly effect? It’s usually referenced in relation to chaos theory, but it’s the phenomenon in which a small change in a complex system can have major effects on that system elsewhere down the line. In other words, changing a tiny element in a large process largely changes that process at a later point.

This phenomenon is based on the idea that small causes have large effects. 

So if we think about the butterfly effect in terms of our lives, seemingly small decisions, meaningless encounters, and inconsequential choices aren’t small, meaningless or inconsequential at all. A decision as small as making a wrong turn can have a major impact on our lives somewhere down the line.

That is why it is so important for us to be conscious and aware of the decisions we make, no matter how small they seem to be. The thoughts we have, the words we speak, and the company we keep all matter and affect the outcomes we receive in the future.


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